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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Hullo old friends : )

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  • From: paxamicus AT
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Hullo old friends : )
  • Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2008 09:55:26 -0500

On Feb 19, 2008, at 4:45 PM, Don Bowen KI6DIU wrote:

At 2/19/2008, you wrote:
And where did "Sojourner" end up, does anyone know? She was building her
house, if I remember correctly.

Last I heard she was trying to sell the place and was moving to Ohio to
pursue a degree in Psychology. The house never got any where near completed
and some rot had settled in.

Unless Andy is back (I have not seen anything from him in a long time) I
believe I have been on this list the longest. A lot of people have come
and gone since then.

Don Bowen Awl Knotted Up KI6DIU

You know, all that time, I never knew what your KI6DIU meant, now I do. I'm Mrs. K1LKY. Hahahaha. : )

Please get on the radio lists and convince my husband to move south- ish. He wants to retire to MASSACHUSETTS for goodness sakes, can you believe it? Trust me, I am all about the New England ambience, I love the leaves turning and the white church spires and the town greens, but I am NOT in love of my skin never seeing the sun again.

Big hugs to you! I am so glad to see you..could never forget
you...asked about you not too long ago, in fact. It is funny how we
think of people that we have never even met..I think of you when I think
of Anatolians, horses, Australia, hear the name Maeve, etc. etc. You
HAVE to post your goat babysitting story for all the new folks...
Well, I guess your daughter is just about grown by now....probably in
college or something, huh. How old is she now?
My daughter is almost 23, is married, and just gave me my first
grandchild...Jordan Rose, who is two months old. My son is now 20, has
been in the Navy for 3 years-just re-enlisted- and you can tell your dh
the kid is a EM-Nuke on the USS Key West(fast attack sub) out of Pearl.
Both kids are doing well, and I am loving this grandma thing more and
more. Time flies by...
Welcome back Harpie Moon...the church of Tvo is almost reunited...where
the heck is Holly anyway?


Oh, my friend, I am so glad to know you are doing well,. it makes my heart warm up. I would love to see some grandbaby pictures : )

Roy's Navy experience was carrier based, his was the last group of helicopter pilots based on carriers. I am ashamed to say I don't know which ones. I'll ask him. He hunted Russian subs in the Arctic, that I do know. Part of what he did for a while with NIST was intraoperability of computer systems on nuclear subs, although that was a while ago. To say he has become disenchanted with the priorities in his lab is probably the least argumentative way to put it.

Maeve is 14. She is taller than both her father and I. The day I looked up at her was a real shock to my system. I have a 6 yo, now. Mollie. She and Maeve could not be more different. I used to think I was Joe Mama. Now I know I am helpless before the force of nature I produced in the form of one pretty normal looking girl child. Sometimes I feel like I need to tie myself down when she blows in from kindergarten.

I also have custody of my ex-husband, too. That's a long story, but it all turns out ok. The goat story, I am not even sure I have. Is that the one when I was babysitting that goat that got sick?

You know the weirdest thing happened with my Anatolian, I couldn't keep him home when I moved. Twice he took out a WINDOW and it's drywall to escape and run back to the farm, which was 21 miles as the crow flew. I ended up leaving him there, they agreed to let him stay if agreed to pay his bills, which I did. He's gone now but I am hoping that when we move to a bigger place, I will get another, to live with the sheep. At least I hope we're living someplace so wild that I need one.

Chris went Yonderway into oblivion...
I think Kentucky Frank is still subbed to the list. I got a note from
him after I rejoined a year or so ago.
I haven't seen or heard from Granddad since 2001, when I actually met
him on my trip out west. I think he may have fallen on some hard times
and may not internet access.
Anita..well, she still has an astrology website-I just Googled her, so
she is still OUT THERE, but that's all I am saying about that.

HEY, I remember Kentucky Frank when he was Frank in NY. FAAAAAAABULOUS that he made it down there, oh joy! Someone blow some air up his kilt and make him come back too. I will confess, I had a soft spot for Anita. I know she could be infuriating but you could always count on her for a new perspective and I can always use one of those. You know who else I remember...James and Denise? James I think was an educator and he turned me onto John Paul Gatto which led to a whole lot of interesting other things in my life. Are they still around?

On Feb 20, 2008, at 9:38 AM, Gene GeRue wrote:

On Feb 19, 2008, at 5:17 PM, EarthNSky wrote:

Chris went Yonderway into oblivion...
I think Kentucky Frank is still subbed to the list. I got a note from
him after I rejoined a year or so ago.
I haven't seen or heard from Granddad since 2001, . . . .

Our very own Tim Oppenheim is currently rebuilding How
do you all feel about including a homestead list page, where everyone
can have a picture, short bio or life philosophy or whatever? Being
visually anonymous has a certain appeal, but I have certainly enjoyed
personally meeting many of you at Heartwood. I have often wondered
what the rest of you sweeties look like. It would be cool to have
picture backgrounds of one of your homestead projects.

I'd love to do something like that. I have loads of pics from the last couple of years when I *finally* got a digital camera. (And that's another story you will appreciate, Bev. ; )

I feel like Dorothy when she wakes up back in Kansas.

*sending this without spell checking cause I need to get Mollie to kindy*

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