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corpus-paul - Re: Paul and fornication/divorce

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  • From: "moon-ryul jung" <moon AT>
  • To: corpus-paul AT
  • Subject: Re: Paul and fornication/divorce
  • Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 00:36:45 -0400

> The word PORNEIA is a general term for sexual promiscuity. It can be used
> in this general
> sense as an umbrella term for all sexually promiscuous dealings, or it can
> be used more
> specifically as a reference to a particular sexual misdemeanour.
> In Matt 19, Jesus says that what God joins together man must not separate.
> Taking this
> statement, the idea or PORNEIA which allows for a separation (divorce)
> could only be a
> situation in which God did not join together. In Torah, this would cover
> the principles
> prohibiting incest. What is poignant is that Jesus makes this statement in
> Perea -- a
> territory of Herod Antipas who had beheaded John the Baptist just down the
> road for
> condemning his marriage to Herodias who was Antipas' cousin and niece. In
> short, an
> annulment seems to be the only legitimate grounds for divorce in the
> Gospels.

What do you mean by "annulment"?

> As per your second question, I don't think Paul is illicitly saying that a
> divorcee is
> free to remarry. Earlier in the chapter he prohibits divorce as far as a
> believer is
> concerned. I don't think in 1 Cor 7:27 that Paul is then illicitly allowing
> divorce. If
> this is the case with divorce, I imagine the same holds true for remarriage
> given the
> parallel statement in 7:27.
> Best regards,
> (Sydney, Australia)

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