compostteas AT
Subject: Compost Teas: 24 hour, EM, IM, BD & fermented plant extracts
List archive
- From: "Jeff Lowenfels" <jeff AT>
- To: "Lloyd Charles" <lcharles AT>, "compostteas" <Compostteas AT>, "Scott Alexander" <daylily AT>
- Subject: Re: [Compostteas] Feeding tea
- Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 19:30:45 -0800
Lloyd and others:
First, again, Lloyd, thanks for the look at
your recipe, The
nutrients you used are both bacterial and fungal. The compost is fungal, but the
garden soil must be bacterial if you took it from the surface. Whew, what
is going on in that tank? Some real duking it out between the fungi and bacteria
to gain dominance! I couldn't help wonder
what your microbial tests look like!
I notice you used finely screened, fungal
compost. My experience is that this kind of treatment, kills the
fungi unless you let the compost sit for a while after it has been
screened. Any similar results on your end? It looks a lot better and
it is a lot cleaner, sure, but that is a big, big trade-off, IF you are trying
to make a fungally dominated tea. It is hard enough to get a good fungal
tea without starting off at a disadvantage!
Anyone else had this experience? And what about
this practice-- we do it sooner or later ( I have had four off line
questions wherein this was done) of taking uncomposted leaf
litter that has obvious signs of fungus and throwing it into a
brewer. I know I have done it! I was reviewing some compost stuff
today and I am wondering if this is a "safe" or even a "scientific" thing
to do to our teas? What do you think? Anyone KNOW?
[Compostteas] Feeding tea,
Lloyd Charles, 07/15/2002
- Re: [Compostteas] Feeding tea, Jeff Lowenfels, 07/15/2002
Re: [Compostteas] Feeding tea,
Lloyd Charles, 07/16/2002
Re: [Compostteas] Feeding tea,
Jeff Lowenfels, 07/16/2002
- [Compostteas] (no subject), Brett Kacalek, 07/17/2002
Re: [Compostteas] Feeding tea,
Jeff Lowenfels, 07/16/2002
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- [Compostteas] feeding tea, John A. Perazzo, 07/17/2002
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