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Subject: Compost Teas: 24 hour, EM, IM, BD & fermented plant extracts
List archive
- From: "Lloyd Charles" <lcharles AT>
- To: "compostteas" <Compostteas AT>
- Subject: Re: [Compostteas] Refractometer
- Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 14:48:39 +1000
----- Original Message -----
From: William Kruidenier <williamk AT>
To: <compostteas AT>
Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 11:05 AM
Subject: [Compostteas] Refractometer
Sorry to have caused confusion over this
I will do a small test plot of tea sprayed out on some crop then measure
the brix reading of the crop - looking for a decent increase - if I got a
decrease of brix then its back to the drawing board - no way am I gonna use
it like that.
Lloyd Charles
> 2. Lloyd mentioned in his post about using his refractometer to check
> his CT. How does the refractometer come into play with tea? What
> BRIX-degree reading are you shooting for?
> William
> _______________________________________________
> Compostteas mailing list
> Compostteas AT
[Compostteas] Refractometer,
William Kruidenier, 07/15/2002
Re: [Compostteas] Refractometer,
Lloyd Charles, 07/16/2002
- [Compostteas] Chlorine and Chloramines, Jeff Lowenfels, 07/17/2002
Re: [Compostteas] Refractometer,
Lloyd Charles, 07/16/2002
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