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ch-scene - Re: Merge virus?

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  • From: grady <grady AT>
  • To: RTP-area local music and culture <ch-scene AT>
  • Subject: Re: Merge virus?
  • Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 14:32:18 -0400

Did you read the rest of my message? What Cy told you, while mildly amusing, is irrelevant, and while labels may or may not be having problems with viruses, getting an email that purports to be from them is *not* an indication of *anything* other than that you're alive and using email in the year 2004.

As for the vitriol that you read into my message, it wasn't there. I'd say "exasperation" might be a better word, and even then only because Cy's response had compounded the confusion rather than clarifying it. If a large % of the people on a.m.c-h are techies, an equally large percent are semi-professional ne'er-do-wells who'd find it entertaining to feed you goofy & incorrect information. I myself wear both hats most of the time. It's hardly out of line to suggest that asking serious questions here might result in less-than-authoritative answers. I mean, shit, when was the last time anybody asked a question here--about *anything*--and got anything resembling a single correct answer?

For what is almost certain to not be the last time: keep your virus protection up to date on your PCs, people. This is not optional. Hasn't been optional for years, actually, but it's more necessary now than ever. And if you get an email that looks like a virus from somebody, don't bother trying to either alert or complain to them; it almost certainly didn't come from them.



Jamie McLendon wrote:

Oh for chrissake, people, would it be possible for you to look for your virus information somewhere slightly more authoritative than

Ross, calm down.
I posted it because I thought Merge might want to know about it, and
to see if anyone else had gotten a similar email. This email account
is for my band, and I have never sent any email to Merge. Since Merge
is a local record label, it piqued my interest. Furthermore, as far as
finding "somewhere slightly more authoritative than" goes, I've been on here long enough to know
that 97% of the folks posting are total techie gearheads, so I don't
see how asking a computer related question is such a stretch.

Sorry to interrupt your diatribes about transfering data via some kind
of whatever onto whatever kind of iPod mp3/wave file playing utility
you have to ask such a benign question, but your vitrol is out of line
and you owe me an apology.

Some other labels seem to be having problems with
viruses as well. I've gotten a similar vague message
disguised as being from Kill Rock Stars and Dischord
has a warning on their website about one being sent
under their name...maybe Billy Corgan is finally
getting back at all of those "indie rock snobs" that
picked on him a decade ago.


Thanks, Cy, that's exactly what I was wanting to know. Jamie
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