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Subject: Creative Commons en España
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- From: "Iker Ganuza" <ikerganuza AT>
- To: LFernandez AT
- Cc: cc-es AT, copyleft AT
- Subject: RE: [Cc-es] datos de los GIS, ¿públicos?
- Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 11:46:56 +0000
Hola Luistxo,
Por ti te interesa (y al resto de la gente de la lista) te mando las respuestas de un funcionario de la Comisión que se encargaba de temas los temas de la información del sector público, a preguntas que le planteé. Habla sobre la directiva, incluya algún link... son dos mails, de hace un tiempo, que copio a continuación.
Dear Mr. Ganuza,
There is no specific report on the legal issues related to the proposal. In the discussions around the directive, the GI sector has been very active and supportive. There seem to be quite some market barriers in this specific sector, linked to cross-subsidies, abuse of monopolistic situations, lack of transparency and discrimination between market players. If you have a question on any of these aspects and how the public sector information directive would tackle them, please do not hesitate to ask. On the other hand, if you have concrete examples where your clients have had problems in getting material from the Spanish or other mapping agencies or examples of competition problems, I would be very interested to learn about them.
An interesting initiative dealing with legal and market issues in the GI sector is the GINIE project, an accompanying measure to the IST-programme. You will find all the information on the project at:
Best regards,
Yvo Volman (+352 4301 38086)
-----Original Message-----
From: Iker Ganuza [mailto:iker AT]
Sent: jeudi 8 mai 2003 19:18
Subject: RE: Directive draft on reuse of public sector information
Dear M. Volman,
First of all, I am very grateful for your quick and complete response to my query. On the other hand, I have read the proposal and some relating documents and I find this is a good (and necessary) regulation for the EU.
The reason of my interest in this Directive is that I work as a lawyer in Spain and some of my clients are GIS companies. I would like to find out if there is some kind of report on the legal issues related to this proposal. If you know anything about this, please let me know.
Thank you again.
Best regards,
Iker Ganuza
<-----Original Message----->
From: Yvo.Volman AT
Sent: 9/5/2003 1:48:48 AM
To: iker AT
Cc: Paul.Timmers AT; Horst.Forster AT; Javier.Hernandez-Ros AT
Subject: RE: Directive draft on reuse of public sector information
Dear Mr. Ganuza,
Following your e-mail to Mr. Cozigou, you will find below some information on the process relating to the proposal for a directive on the re-use of public sector information.
On 5 June 2002 the Commission adopted a proposal for a Directive on the re-use and commercial exploitation of public sector information. The proposal aims at stimulating the cross-border use of public sector information by a minimum set of rules that would apply to the whole of the EU. The proposal contains stipulations to increase transparency, to achieve equal conditions for re-users and to limit exclusive arrangements. It also deals with a number of practicalities such as replying times, format and online licences. The proposal is now being examined by Parliament and Council in a co-decision procedure.
The European Parliament voted its opinion in first reading on 12 February 2003. The Parliament supported the general approach proposed by the Commission and the legislative proposal as amended was adopted by a large majority. Following the vote in Parliament, the Commission adopted on 17 March 2003 an amended proposal.
The Telecoms Council first debated the issue on 5 December 2002 and reached unanimously a political agreement on 27 March 2003. The Presidency compromise text is broadly in line with the Commission proposal. Several of the articles have undergone a technical reformulation, but the key elements are all preserved. The Council is expected to adopt its formal common position on the directive at the end of May 2003. The common position will then be transmitted to Parliament in view of its second reading.
The conclusions of the European Spring Council (20-21 March 2003) state that the directive should be adopted by the end of 2003.
If you would like any further information on this issue or further references for the documents cited above, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Best regards,
Yvo Volman (DG INFSO, E4, tel: +352 4301 38086)
-----Original Message-----
From: Iker Ganuza [mailto:iker AT]
Sent: mercredi 7 mai 2003 19:34
To: COZIGOU Gwenole (CAB)
Subject: Directive draft on reuse of public sector information
Dear M. Cozigou:
I am very interested in the European Directive draft on acces/commercial reuse of public sector information (year 2002).
Since I can't find any recent issues concerning this draft since the date of its publication, I would be gratefull if you could tell me how could I get information about the legislative process of this particular regulation.
Thank you very much.
Iker Ganuza
From: Luistxo Fernandez <LFernandez AT>
To: cc-es AT
Subject: [Cc-es] datos de los GIS, ¿públicos?
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2004 10:43:02 +0200
Otro suscriptor me ha mandado un mail con comentarios sobre algo que mencioné el otro dÃa, la aplicación de CC a los datos de un GIS. Creyéndolo de interés, añado unos comentarios.
El tema de los datos GIS me interesó en su momento y estuve leyendo un poco para informarme. Es una cuestión muy importante por la cantidad de dinero que invierten las administraciones en generar esos datos . Más que la utilización de licencias para unos datos concretos de lo que se trata, a mayor escala, es del carácter de la información del sector público.
A grandes rasgos, existen dos sistemas: en EEUU, la información pública, en principio, es gratuita (se cobra un mÃnimo), y existen multitud de empresas que basan sus negocios en los datos GIS obtenidos de la Administración.
En Europa, la información pública se paga, y la Adminsitración recupera (no se si en todo o en parte) los gastos de generación de los datos, cobrándo a empresas y a particulares por la información.
Hace unos meses salió un proyecto de directiva que pretendÃa cambiar radicalmente el sistema europeo, equiparándolo al de Estados Unidos. No se en que fase se encuentra esta directiva, (...)
Creo que esta cuestión toca muy de cerca al copyleft y todo lo referente a las licencias libres. Sobre todo por la enorme cantidad de información que maneja el sector público.
La experiencia que conozco del GIS de Gipuzkoa es que lo que cobran a empresas y particulares es el trámite y material fÃsico. Cuando un arquitecto o quien sea les pide mapas, planos, datos... acude a la "tienda" y se lleva unos CDs o unos grandes planos en papel. Ese trabajo lo cobran, lógicamente. Cobran el puro trabajo, no más, dirÃa yo.
De hecho, lo que les interesa es "cerrar la tienda". Oye, que necesito unos planos del polÃgono cual... Pues aquà no es, vete a nuestro web en Internet, sacátelos gratis, y si los quieres pasar a otro soporte, papel o lo que sea, te lo sufragas tú.
Me parece un modo acertado de entender Internet. Tengo esperanzas de que lleguen a ver que el contenido que ofrecen también ganará mucho, para los usuarios y para la propia administración que asà los protegerá, si le añaden una licencia copyleft.
el GIS de Gipuzkoa está en
el interfaz es de uso (casi) imposible, pero bueno, han llamado a buena puertas para rediseñarlo... :-) y en ello andamos.
Si alguien sabe de esa directiva europea sobre datos de GIS y tal, que avise. Gracias de antemano.
Luistxo Fernandez
LFernandez AT - 652 750 362
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- RE: [Cc-es] datos de los GIS, ¿públicos?, Iker Ganuza, 06/02/2004
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