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b-hebrew - Re: [b-hebrew] Daniel

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  • From: Shoshanna Walker <rosewalk AT>
  • To: b-hebrew <b-hebrew AT>
  • Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] Daniel
  • Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2006 00:24:05 -0500

It don't think he was "demoted", because he's in Vilna Gaon's list of the 48 male prophets of Israel (prophet number 44) - and apparently there was some disagreement.

Rashi doesn't include him in his list, and I posted where the Talmud says he was not a prophet.

I think that the best, most common sense and non-religious reason why he would not be considered a prophet, is because he didn't receive his visions directly from G-d.

Very simple. Whether he was rejected by Sanhedrin, or even APPLIED to Sanhedrin, I don't know - the literature is too vast for me to figure out where to look it up.

But now I'm very curious.


As for why Daniel was/is not considered a prophet, there are more than
one reasons given, the most important I heard was because he was a
court official in an enslaving kingdom. Peterö's suggestion that he
was "demoted" as a reaction to Christian citing of his prophecies
probably also played a part.

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