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b-hebrew - Re: [b-hebrew] Isaiah 55:5

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  • From: "Steve Miller" <smille10 AT>
  • To: "'Harold Holmyard'" <hholmyard AT>, <b-hebrew AT>
  • Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] Isaiah 55:5
  • Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2006 22:42:04 -0400

Thanks Harold. I see Weingreen has 2 nice sections on it.

> HH: Steve, any good Hebrew grammar should discuss the concept of pausal
> forms. See Gesenius Kautch Cowley 29i-v, or check the index in Waltke
> and O'Connor.
> The former understands pause as "the strong tress laid on the
> tone-syllable in the last word of a sentence (verse) or clause."
> The latter define pause as "the break in Masoretic verse division
> associated with the end of a verse (marked with silluq and sof pasuq) or
> the middle of a verse (usually marked with athnach); a form in pause may
> show various phonological shifts, in accentuation or vacalization or
> both."
> Yours,
> Harold Holmyard

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