b-hebrew AT lists.ibiblio.org
Subject: Biblical Hebrew Forum
List archive
- From: Moshe Shulman <mshulman AT ix.netcom.com>
- To: b-hebrew AT franklin.oit.unc.edu
- Subject: Re: Alma, Parthenos, Virgin
- Date: Sun, 31 Oct 1999 09:34:03 -0500
At 06:09 AM 10/31/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Lewis wrote:
>> On 29 Oct 99, at 22:16, Ken Litwak wrote:
>> > a) almah cannot mean virgin or that no reader would have guessed that in
>> > Isa 7:14 it meant that.
>> Even if almah did mean virgin you'd have to show that the meaning
>> of the text wasn't:
>> behold this [young woman who is now a] virgin will [marry and then]
>> become pregnant and give birth to a son,
>> but instead was:
>> behold a virgin [sometime in the future] will [without having lost her
>> virginal status] become pregnant and give birth to a son.
>Excuse me, but the latter appears to be the plain sense of the text
>since there is no explicit mention of marriage or sexual relations.
>Hence it seems to me the burden of proof is on the end with these
>undocumented additions.
But it does have an explicit reference to a specific virgin. (heh yoduah)
moshe shulman mshulman AT NOSPAMix.netcom.com 718-436-7705
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ICQ# 52009254
Re: Alma, Parthenos, Virgin
, (continued)
- Re: Alma, Parthenos, Virgin, Joseph Crea, 10/30/1999
Message not available
- Re: Alma, Parthenos, Virgin, Stephen C. Carlson, 10/30/1999
- Re: Alma, Parthenos, Virgin, Ken Litwak, 10/30/1999
- Re: Alma, Parthenos, Virgin, jim west, 10/30/1999
- Re: Re[2]: Alma, Parthenos, Virgin, Joe A. Friberg, 10/30/1999
- Re: Alma, Parthenos, Virgin, Lewis Reich, 10/31/1999
- Re: Alma, Parthenos, Virgin, kdlitwak, 10/31/1999
- Re: Alma, Parthenos, Virgin, Dave Washburn, 10/31/1999
- Re: Alma, Parthenos, Virgin, John Ronning, 10/31/1999
- Re: Alma, Parthenos, Virgin, jim west, 10/31/1999
- Re: Alma, Parthenos, Virgin, Moshe Shulman, 10/31/1999
- Re: Alma, Parthenos, Virgin, Moshe Shulman, 10/31/1999
- Re[2]: Alma, Parthenos, Virgin, Jonathan Bailey, 10/31/1999
- Re: Alma, Parthenos, Virgin, Moshe Shulman, 10/31/1999
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