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xom-interest - [XOM-interest] More parsing performance patches

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Subject: XOM API for Processing XML with Java

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  • From: Wolfgang Hoschek <whoschek AT>
  • To: xom-interest AT
  • Subject: [XOM-interest] More parsing performance patches
  • Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 20:07:52 -0700

Here are some patches for standard XOM XML parsing, simultaneously improving efficiency both in time and space. Overall, the patches improve throughput by roughly a factor 1.5 for a wide range of documents. Memory consumption is reduced, depending on the amount of whitespace-only Text nodes (think pretty-printing and deeply nested structures). It passes all XOM tests.

I'm sending the test input data files privately to Elliotte as it's too big for the mailing list.
Here are some results for lhc-teams.xml, lhc-teams-noindent.xml, randj.xml, periodic.xml
For each file, the results before and after the patch are shown below, in that order.

[Note that all results are with the current xom-1.1-CVS plus the "fat" stringified, O(1) ParentNode.indexOf() patch, Verifier improvements, XOMHandler Stack -> ArrayList replacement, plus a variety of assorted simple one or two line performance patches, minus the QName LRU cache. I've grown tired of backporting, so I've now moved my complete patchset forward to xom-1.1-CVS. This will most likely be the basis of the next Nux version. Yes, XOM is improving much slower than my patch set is growing, so I'm not sure where this trajectory is leading. One day I might have to make some hard decisions that address this issue, I'm not sure yet.]

As always, measurements are on Linux, sun-jdk-1.5, server VM, xerces-2.7.0.

[pabst /home/portnoy/u5/hoschek/tmp/tmp/firefish] export JAVA_OPTS='- server -agentlib:hprof=cpu=samples,depth=10,interval=10 - Djava.endorsed.dirs=/home/portnoy/u5/hoschek/tmp/tmp/xerces-2.7.0'
[pabst /home/portnoy/u5/hoschek/tmp/tmp/firefish] bin/fire-java nux.xom.tests.BinaryXMLTest deser xom 0 500 data/samples/data/lhc- teams.xml
now processing data/samples/data/lhc-teams.xml
compression factor = 2.4675896

****** SUMMARY ******
files = 500
secs = 50.411
mean throughput MB/s = 13.8365345
mean compression factor = 2.4675894
files/sec = 9.91847
checksum = 0
Dumping CPU usage by sampling running threads ... done.
[pabst /home/portnoy/u5/hoschek/tmp/tmp/firefish] bin/fire-java nux.xom.tests.BinaryXMLTest deser xom 0 500 data/samples/data/lhc- teams.xml
now processing data/samples/data/lhc-teams.xml
compression factor = 2.4675896

****** SUMMARY ******
files = 500
secs = 35.741
mean throughput MB/s = 19.515781
mean compression factor = 2.4675894
files/sec = 13.989535
checksum = 0
Dumping CPU usage by sampling running threads ... done.
[pabst /home/portnoy/u5/hoschek/tmp/tmp/firefish] bin/fire-java nux.xom.tests.BinaryXMLTest deser xom 0 500 data/samples/data/lhc- teams-noindent.xml
now processing data/samples/data/lhc-teams-noindent.xml
compression factor = 1.9681828

****** SUMMARY ******
files = 500
secs = 36.832
mean throughput MB/s = 13.242769
mean compression factor = 1.9681828
files/sec = 13.575151
checksum = 0
Dumping CPU usage by sampling running threads ... done.
[pabst /home/portnoy/u5/hoschek/tmp/tmp/firefish] bin/fire-java nux.xom.tests.BinaryXMLTest deser xom 0 500 data/samples/data/lhc- teams-noindent.xmlpatchesEnabled=true
now processing data/samples/data/lhc-teams-noindent.xml
compression factor = 1.9681828

****** SUMMARY ******
files = 500
secs = 27.751
mean throughput MB/s = 17.576221
mean compression factor = 1.9681828
files/sec = 18.017368
checksum = 0
Dumping CPU usage by sampling running threads ... done.
[pabst /home/portnoy/u5/hoschek/tmp/tmp/firefish] less java.hprof.txt
[pabst /home/portnoy/u5/hoschek/tmp/tmp/firefish] less java.hprof.txt
[pabst /home/portnoy/u5/hoschek/tmp/tmp/firefish]
[pabst /home/portnoy/u5/hoschek/tmp/tmp/firefish]
[pabst /home/portnoy/u5/hoschek/tmp/tmp/firefish]
[pabst /home/portnoy/u5/hoschek/tmp/tmp/firefish] bin/fire-java nux.xom.tests.BinaryXMLTest deser xom 0 3000 data/samples/data/ randj.xml
now processing data/samples/data/randj.xml
compression factor = 1.3920223

****** SUMMARY ******
files = 3000
secs = 45.016
mean throughput MB/s = 14.851439
mean compression factor = 1.3920223
files/sec = 66.642975
checksum = 0
Dumping CPU usage by sampling running threads ... done.
[pabst /home/portnoy/u5/hoschek/tmp/tmp/firefish]
[pabst /home/portnoy/u5/hoschek/tmp/tmp/firefish] bin/fire-java nux.xom.tests.BinaryXMLTest deser xom 0 3000 data/samples/data/ randj.xml
now processing data/samples/data/randj.xml
compression factor = 1.3920223

****** SUMMARY ******
files = 3000
secs = 39.171
mean throughput MB/s = 17.067533
mean compression factor = 1.3920223
files/sec = 76.587265
checksum = 0
Dumping CPU usage by sampling running threads ... done.
[pabst /home/portnoy/u5/hoschek/tmp/tmp/firefish] bin/fire-java nux.xom.tests.BinaryXMLTest deser xom 0 6000 data/samples/data/ periodic.xml
now processing data/samples/data/periodic.xml
compression factor = 3.619404

****** SUMMARY ******
files = 6000
secs = 45.9
mean throughput MB/s = 14.523899
mean compression factor = 3.6194043
files/sec = 130.71895
checksum = 0
Dumping CPU usage by sampling running threads ... done.
[pabst /home/portnoy/u5/hoschek/tmp/tmp/firefish] bin/fire-java nux.xom.tests.BinaryXMLTest deser xom 0 6000 data/samples/data/ periodic.xml
now processing data/samples/data/periodic.xml
compression factor = 3.619404

****** SUMMARY ******
files = 6000
secs = 38.575
mean throughput MB/s = 17.28184
mean compression factor = 3.6194043
files/sec = 155.54115
checksum = 0
Dumping CPU usage by sampling running threads ... done.
[pabst /home/portnoy/u5/hoschek/tmp/tmp/firefish] (sorry for the completely messed up copy&paste indentation):

// protected Stack parents;
protected ArrayList parents; // WH

public void startDocument() {

inDTD = false;
document = factory.startMakingDocument();
parent = document;
current = document;
// parents = new Stack();
parents = new ArrayList(); // WH
// parents.push(document);
parents.add(document); // WH
inProlog = true;
position = 0;
// buffer = new StringBuffer(); // WH
buffer = null;
first = null;
doctype = null;
if (locator != null) {
documentBaseURI = locator.getSystemId();
// According to the XML spec,
// "It is an error for a fragment identifier
// (beginning with a # character) to be part of a system identifier"
// but some parsers including Xerces seem to get this wrong, so we'll


public void endDocument() {
// parents.pop();
parents.remove(parents.size()-1); // WH

// // tmp; for diagnostics only
// String s = "stats= [";
// long sum = 0;
// for (int i=0; i < stats.length; i++) {
// sum += stats[i];
// s += stats[i] + " ";
// }
// s += "] = [";
// for (int i=0; i < stats.length; i++) {
// s += Math.round(100.0f * stats[i] / sum);
// s += "% ";
// stats[i] = 0;
// }
// s += "]";
// System.err.println(s);
//// System.err.println("multiWhitespace=" + multiWhitespace);

public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName,
String qualifiedName, org.xml.sax.Attributes attributes) {


// Need to push this, even if it's null
// parents.push(element);
parents.add(element); // WH


int length = attributes.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {



public void endElement(
String namespaceURI, String localName, String qualifiedName) {

// If we're immediately inside a skipped element
// we need to reset current to null, not to the parent
// current = (ParentNode) parents.pop();
current = (ParentNode) parents.remove(parents.size()-1); // WH

protected StringBuffer buffer;
protected String first;

private static final String[] CRLF_SP;
private static final String[] LF_SP;
private static final String[] SPACES;

private static final String[] CRLF_TAB;
private static final String[] LF_TAB;
private static final String[] TABS;

// tmp; for diagnostics only
// protected int[] stats = new int[4];
// protected int callCounter;
// private int totalTextMemory;
// protected boolean isWhitespace = false;
// protected int multiWhitespace;

static { // initializer
// Make interned string for memory sharing of frequent whitespace.
// CR LF = 0x0D 0x0A = \r \n
int size = 50; // somewhat arbitrary (12 nesting levels * 4 blanks)

char[] spaceChars = new char[size + 2];
spaceChars[0] = '\r';
spaceChars[1] = '\n';
for (int i = 2; i < spaceChars.length; i++) spaceChars[i] = ' ';
String spaces = new String(spaceChars);

CRLF_SP = new String[size]; // "\r\n", "\r\n ", "\r\n ", ...
LF_SP = new String[size]; // "\n", "\n ", "\n ", ...
SPACES = new String[size]; // "", " ", " ", ...
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { // overlay and share memory
CRLF_SP[j] = spaces.substring(0, j + 2);
LF_SP[j] = spaces.substring(1, j + 2);
SPACES[j] = spaces.substring(2, j + 2);

// now do the same for tab characters rather than blanks
char[] tabChars = new char[size + 2];
tabChars[0] = '\r';
tabChars[1] = '\n';
for (int i = 2; i < tabChars.length; i++) tabChars[i] = '\t';
String tabs = new String(tabChars);

CRLF_TAB = new String[size]; // "\r\n", "\r\n\t", "\r\n\t \t", ...
LF_TAB = new String[size]; // "\n", "\n\t", "\n\t\t", ...
TABS = new String[size]; // "", "\t", "\t\t", ...
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { // overlay and share memory
CRLF_TAB[j] = tabs.substring(0, j + 2);
CRLF_TAB[j] = tabs.substring(1, j + 2);
TABS[j] = tabs.substring(2, j + 2);

public void characters(char[] text, int start, int length) {
* Based on measurements of a wide variety of real-world documents, one
* call to characters() per flushText() is extremely common, a second
* one quite uncommon, and more calls to it are extremely uncommon.
* Hence, unnecessary temporary String and StringBuffer memory copies
* and allocations can be avoided, improving performance, *irrespective* whether
* the "fat" stringified is used, or the version with
* the UTF-8 storage trick.
* See endDocument() on how to measure character() per flushText() frequency, uncommenting
* some diagnostic statistics gathering code.
* Plus, whitepace separator lines make up a large fraction of data in
* heavily pretty printed documents. So, let's share most of those
* string objects via an extremely low-overhead interning mechanism.
* All in all this should make average memory consumption of a XOM
* document with the stringified Text patch comparable or lower than with the
* UTF-8 trick. Plus, it retains the performance benefits of
* the stringified Text patch, for use cases reading or writing Text a
* lot, for example many XPath/XQuery use cases.
if (length <= 0) return; // nothing to do (important: do not remove; ensures correct algo semantics)
if (first == null && buffer == null) {
// first call to characters()
if (length < SPACES.length) { // any possibility for interning whitespace-only?
// scan backwards to beginning of run of blanks or tabs
int i = start + length;
char ch = text[--i];
if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t') {
ch = ' ';
} else {
i++; while (--i >= start && text[i] == ch) ;

switch (i+1-start) { // is there internable whitespace-only?
case 0: {
first = ch == ' ' ? SPACES[length] : TABS [length];
case 1: {
if (text[start] == '\n')
first = ch == ' ' ? LF_SP[length-1] : LF_TAB[length-1];
case 2: {
if (text[start] == '\r' && text[start+1] == '\n')
first = ch == ' ' ? CRLF_SP[length-2] : CRLF_TAB[length-2];
default : // fall through to non-interned string copy
// fallback to non-interned string copy
if (first == null) first = new String(text, start, length);
} else {
if (buffer == null) {
// second call to characters(); infrequently called
buffer = new StringBuffer(first.length() + length); // doesn't waste memory
first = null;
// second or higher call to characters(); third or higher call is very rare
buffer.append(text, start, length);
if (finishedCDATA) inCDATA = false;
// callCounter++;

// accumulate all text that's in the buffer into a text node
protected void flushText() {
String text = buffer != null ? buffer.toString() : first;
if (text != null) {
// stats[Math.min(3, callCounter)]++;
// if (counter == 2) System.err.println("counter == 2: (" + text + ")");
// if (counter >= 3) System.err.println("counter >= 3: (" + text + ")");
Nodes result;
if (!inCDATA) {
// result = factory.makeText(buffer.toString());
result = factory.makeText(text);
} else {
// result = factory.makeCDATASection(buffer.toString ());
result = factory.makeCDATASection(text);
int count = result.size();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
Node node = result.get(i);
if (node.isAttribute()) {
((Element) parent).addAttribute((Attribute) node);
} else {
// buffer = new StringBuffer();
first = null;
buffer = null;
inCDATA = false;
finishedCDATA = false;
// callCounter = 0;

protected boolean inCDATA = false;
protected boolean finishedCDATA = false;

public void startCDATA() {
// System.out.println("startCDATA: first="+ first +", buffer="+buffer + ".");
if (first == null && buffer == null) inCDATA = true;
// if (first != null || buffer != null) inCDATA = true; // bug!
finishedCDATA = false;

// public void startCDATA() {
// if (buffer.length() == 0) inCDATA = true;
// finishedCDATA = false;
// }

public void endCDATA() {
// System.out.println("end CDATA: first="+ first +", buffer="+buffer + ".");
finishedCDATA = true;


public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName,
String qualifiedName, org.xml.sax.Attributes attributes) {

// Need to push this, even if it's null
// parents.push(element);
parents.add(element); // WH

public void endElement(
String namespaceURI, String localName, String qualifiedName) {

// If we're immediately inside a skipped element
// we need to reset current to null, not to the parent
// current = (ParentNode) parents.pop();
current = (ParentNode) parents.remove(parents.size()-1); // WH

// accumulate all text that's in the buffer into a text node
protected void flushText() {
String text = buffer != null ? buffer.toString() : first;
// System.out.println("flush:" + inCDATA +", first="+ first +", buffer="+buffer + ".");
if (text != null) {
// stats[Math.min(3, callCounter)]++;
// if (counter > 1 && isWhitespace) System.err.println ("concat whitespace!!!");
// if (counter == 2) System.err.println("counter == 2:" + text + "#");
// if (counter >= 3) System.err.println("counter >= 3:" + text + "#");
Text result;
if (!inCDATA) {
result =;
// result =;
} else {
result =;
// result =;
parent.fastInsertChild(result, parent.getChildCount());
// buffer = new StringBuffer();
first = null;
buffer = null;
inCDATA = false;
finishedCDATA = false;
// callCounter = 0;

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