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Subject: Discussion of Sorcery related topics
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- From: Dufflebunk <dufflebunk AT>
- To: Eric Sandall <eric AT>
- Cc: Source Mage - Sorcery <sm-sorcery AT>
- Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery] Belnet SourceForge mirror
- Date: 02 Apr 2003 15:17:19 -0500
Turn net select on, and it should find the fastest automaticly (or is
the other bug with it not checking all still present?).
On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 12:28, Eric Sandall wrote:
> I'd like to move the Belgium (belnet) SourceForge mirror out of the top
> possition, prefereably to the bottom. My reasoning is that it is the
> slowest (well, out of itself and the US mirrors) at mirroring sources.
> It's been nearly two weeks on one package I've updated, and it still
> hasn't synced with the rest.
> I can do this if the team has no time, or one of the team can.
> Thanks,
> -One of Four
> a.k.a. sandalle
[SM-Sorcery] Belnet SourceForge mirror,
Eric Sandall, 04/02/2003
Re: [SM-Sorcery] Belnet SourceForge mirror,
Dufflebunk, 04/02/2003
- Re: [SM-Sorcery] Belnet SourceForge mirror, Arwed von Merkatz, 04/02/2003
Re: [SM-Sorcery] Belnet SourceForge mirror,
Dufflebunk, 04/02/2003
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