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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Grimoire]Re: [SM-Sorcery]RFC: Somewhat major change in sorcery

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Chronological Thread  
  • From: Ryan Abrams <rabrams AT>
  • To: Nick Jennings <nkj AT>
  • Cc: sm-sorcery AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Grimoire]Re: [SM-Sorcery]RFC: Somewhat major change in sorcery
  • Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 19:32:32 -0500

This reminds me of an old math problem...

Q: If two people are talking to each other from 90 feet apart, and sound travels blah blah blah... how long until they understand each other.

A: Never, if they are both deaf or speaking different languages.

I suspect you and I have been narrowly missing the part of the conversation where it connects, and as such have both just gotten louder.

In any case, I am going to kill this thread for two reasons...

1) The small version of the patch I sent around is in 0.8.1, so there is no point in asking gurus if it will break their spells. We are about to find out. (btw - if it does, i take the blame. Its my patch.)

2) Because you and I have met and will again meet on IRC and can work through the personal side of this privately. I don't consider this a personal argument at all, and hope that you don't really either (It certainly wasn't meant that way).. so its just a matter of both of us cleaning our wounds.

So, unless there is something non-personal to address, lets just call it done, and get on with the day.


On Tuesday, September 10, 2002, at 06:57 PM, Nick Jennings wrote:

Ryan, what the hell is the deal here? I feel like I'm being personally
attacked and purposefully mis-read...

First, I am taking on characteristics of the Supreme Court, now I
am subconciously plotting to "shaft" you.

The minute you start to talk about "Nazis" or "Hitler" I win.
(technically, I should have already won, because the supreme court
is often reffered to as "a bunch of nazis").

On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 03:45:31PM -0500, Ryan Abrams wrote:
Yes, I have known for a month when 0.8.1 was to be released. I have also
known when the freeze is meant to happen. What you have essentially said
(and correct me if I'm wrong) is that you will accept the patch for 0.8.1 by
4pm today, but won't accept it after that.

That's wrong.

Your criteria were, and I quote, "But, if you can get all of this done for
0.8.1 (today) and you can address the concerns I brought up in the other
message (Update occurance, branch viewing, etc.) as well as make sure that
the version of the program installed is kept track of still (and not just
'stable' or 'devel' as you originally proposed), then we can stick it in."

Yes that is exactly what I said Ryan. The only thing that this insues is
that I won't delay 0.8.1 (like you had me do last time, for the same
reasons if I recall)

This is ridiculous Nick. 0.8.x has always been about adding new features and
making major changes before we freeze it at 0.9 and bug hunt. Yet when I go
to make a major change to allow new spell features, you start talking about
not wanting to make changes for the users in 0.8 etc... and then turn around
and email everyone else about how 0.8 is /beta/ and things are expected to
break and keep breaking until the freeze, etc.

Dude, you are completely mixing up what context I say things in, and
quite frankly I'm appauled at your lack of respect for the people you
are working with.

Make up your mind.

It looks like *you* are the one who needs to make up your mind, In a
previous email you *said* that you were actually *not* going to include
this feature into 1.0 because of certain things that simply cannot
be addressed (without some major re-writing).

The way I see it, there are three options here:

1) Freeze Now. Dont let anything else in, as we dont want to keep changing
things for the user.

I said "I don't want to change things for the user" like you would say,
"I don't want to get up today". I never said I wasn't going to change
anything anymore because of the users. So just *let it go*.

2) Let in new features. We want to expand sorcery until we freeze on the
29th, then start resolving any existng and newly created bugs.

3) Only let in we thought of a month ago. We want to expand sorcery, but
only by adding features that we already thought of a month ago. New features
thought of and implemented after the month ago unannounced idea-freeze don't

For the most part, for major things, *exactly*. For mid/little things,
of course we will add them. We dropped flat-grimoire's for a *reason*,
and your solution to this problem is *not* attractive, even by your own
words, so why the hell would we want to implement it?

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