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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Grimoire]Re: [SM-Sorcery]RFC: Somewhat major change in sorcery

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Subject: Discussion of Sorcery related topics

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Chronological Thread  
  • From: Nick Jennings <nkj AT>
  • To: Ryan Abrams <rabrams AT>
  • Cc: Nathan Doss <ndoss AT>, sm-sorcery AT, sm-grimoire AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Grimoire]Re: [SM-Sorcery]RFC: Somewhat major change in sorcery
  • Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 11:45:29 -0700

On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 01:06:19PM -0500, Ryan Abrams wrote:
> As far as versioning, all that needs to happen is for the spellwriter to
> override VERSION in a custom POST_BUILD. I am not sure if POST_BUILD is in a
> subshell or not. If it is, i will provide a function to cheat it or
> something. That way the version written to the install logs and such can be
> determined by the spell.

This is pretty ugly, you must admit. So what is VERSION set to in the

> To address knowing if it has been updated... Thats the tricky part. One
> option would be to record the branch, and offer multiple versions in
> DETAILS.. not sure on that though. To be honest, that is a challenging part,
> and may actually have to wait. The only way I know to do it would be to just
> leave the spell w/ a short LIFESPAN. For something small like a sorcery
> spell, that would work. For something big like mozilla it wouldnt. For
> something version unrelated like k18n, its irrellevant.

This is really not OK. Even for the sorcery spell. Some people dial-up,
some peopl have 486 machines. Even the sorcery install would be a
PITA for these people.

Hell the sorcery spell already takes a surprisingly long time for some
reason, I am still trying to determine why. On my PII 566mhz w/ 64mb RAM
the spell takes a good few minutes to finish casting. (And thats not
even downloading).

> the freeze isnt until the 0.9 release, which is the 29th, correct?

Correct, however I'd like to avoid switching things on the users as
much as possible. We've got to have something working for 0.8.1, and
sorcery-stable/devel is going to be it if nothing else can address these
inherent problems.

I'm thinking about the end users on this one.

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