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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery]RFC: Somewhat major change in sorcery

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  • From: Nick Jennings <nkj AT>
  • To: Ryan Abrams <rabrams AT>
  • Cc: sm-sorcery AT, sm-grimoire AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery]RFC: Somewhat major change in sorcery
  • Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2002 10:59:53 -0700

This solution is what I saw needed to be done as well when I was
taking a look at things. Due to the other tasks I had to get done
before 0.8.1, and the fact that the sorcery spell had to be woring
for 0.8.1, I decided to revert back to the old way.

I also felt uncomfortable switching the guts around like that
without really thinking about the branching thing as, what would
be the right way to have this feature implemented, instead of,
what weve done almost works enough, so lets get it to work more.
If you know what I mean.

But, if you can get all of this done for 0.8.1 (today) and
you can address the concerns I brought up in the other message
(Update occurance, branch viewing, etc.) as well as make sure
that the version of the program installed is kept track of
still (and not just 'stable' or 'devel' as you originally proposed),
then we can stick it in.

On Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 08:16:32PM -0500, Ryan Abrams wrote:
> Hey all,
> I am writing to ask about something I think may add a lot of
> flexibility to spellwriting. Its a rather big change in cast.
> Lets run CONFIGURE /before/ running DETAILS.
> The sorcery code seems to support this.
> The main concern I have is twofold:
> 1) Do spells rely on DETAILS for their CONFIGURE to work? I /know/
> mozilla and vim don't, because I have succesfully cast them on the
> modified version. But if your's does, let me know ASAP.
> 2) What haven't I thought of here? What else could break? What do we
> have that assumes a certain order?
> In any case, this is a big change design wise (though small code-ise),
> and may not be a good one. I am holding off committing it to cvs until
> I hear back from some people. In the meantime, I will run with it on my
> system, and report any problems I find.
> -Ryan
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