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sm-sorcery - Re: [SM-Sorcery]Re: (Switch to Prevent sorcery spell problems)

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Subject: Discussion of Sorcery related topics

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  • From: alvaro <aepaz AT>
  • To: sm-sorcery AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Sorcery]Re: (Switch to Prevent sorcery spell problems)
  • Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 10:17:46 -0400

On Friday 06 September 2002 07:01, Eric Schabell wrote:
> Don't confuse the grimoire with sorcery, the devel/stable versioning
> discussed here relates only to SORCERY.
> > 2. Should I do this b4 1.0? I am not on .8 yet.
> I am on the new sorcery after a gcc3.2 update.... I would begin there and
> then you grab the stable sorcery when you are ready (stable is a question
> you will get by casting the new sorcery... if you don't like to trust the
> auto install, then get the tarball by hand (I did) and unpack and run the
> '''' to just update the sorcery stuff....
> > 3. I am still using gcc 2.95. Should I make the transition to 3.2 first?
> Yes...

I've been avoiding updates for some time now, since there have been many
troubles reported to the list. Am i understanding things right?:

1. sorcery update does not update (cast?) the new (0.8s) sorcery spell

2. sorcery update (devel grimoire) will update gcc to 3.2. (or should i cast
it manually?). Then rebuild

3. with gcc3.2 working, now is the time to upgrade the sorcery spell.

4. at some point during the sorcery upgrade there willl be a 'tracking'
option, we non-developers should use 'stable'

5. the upgraded sorcery will also change the 'directory layout' (where spells
are kept, sources stored and so on)

Is this correct?. If so, i'll be moving to gcc3.2 this weekend


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