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sm-sorcery - [SM-Sorcery]Re: Switch to Prevent sorcery spell problems

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  • From: Eric Schabell <eric AT>
  • To: "Bearcat M. Sandor" <Sorcerer AT>
  • Cc: sm-sorcery AT
  • Subject: [SM-Sorcery]Re: Switch to Prevent sorcery spell problems
  • Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2002 13:01:42 +0200

> On Friday September 6 2002 12:31, Bearcat M. Sandor wrote:
> Switch to preventFolks,
> Eric's comment below brings up a question that I have been fighting with
> for weeks now. I have been considering switching to the stable grimore,
> just for sanity's sake. My quandry is that I like being cutting edge,
> but perhaps not this sharp. I've been using devel since b4 there was
> SourceMage (so I guess b4 there was a devel). I have seen a lot of
> messed up boxes in postings lately, but mostly due to .8 and people
> trying to do both major upgrades at once.
> My concerns are thus:
> 1. I run tcp/ip servers and am concerned about timely security fixes,
> Does this mean the devel is not for me or should I just use staable and
> manually adjust the spells that concern me to the latest numbers?
Don't confuse the grimoire with sorcery, the devel/stable versioning
here relates only to SORCERY.

Your concernes with security and up to date spells is related to the use of
the devel grimoire... and we have yet to bork my box since b4 SourceMage and
I do my damnest (with alot of help from a great team of guru's and users that
report back to us) not to ruin my/our boxes on updates. Spells may break, but
not so bad that you can't work or that you can't fix it by hand editing a
spell or two...

> 2. Should I do this b4 1.0? I am not on .8 yet.
I am on the new sorcery after a gcc3.2 update.... I would begin there and
you grab the stable sorcery when you are ready (stable is a question you will
get by casting the new sorcery... if you don't like to trust the auto
install, then get the tarball by hand (I did) and unpack and run the
'''' to just update the sorcery stuff....

> 3. I am still using gcc 2.95. Should I make the transition to 3.2 first?

> Still I like having the best immediately, but I don;t want my work day
> stopped due to a broken box. However, I have had no major problems since
> I started this late last year and if I did have a problem with a spell I
> can always dispel it back to a previous version right? And I back-up my
> sytem b4 every update..
Be sure to understand that sorcery is not grimiore, I don't do the updates
sorcery update anymore, I have placed a link to my own copy of our grimoire
on my website which I pull with 'scribe add grimoire' (this is replacing my
/var/sorcery/codex/grimoire with a new copy of what is in the tarball, the
tarball is named grimoire, which is the last arg in the command so that
"grimoire" is the name of the dir in codex... I like grimoire better than
'devel', call me sentimental....).

I watch the cvs messages and lists about the fixes being run in sorcery
carefully before grabing new sorcery drops... as I work on my box.

Basically I am loving the cutting edge, I just wear gloves! ;)

* Eric Schabell
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