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[SM-Grimoire] [afrayedknot AT [SM-Sorcery] splitting BUILD]
- From: Arwed von Merkatz <v.merkatz AT>
- To: sm-grimoire AT
- Subject: [SM-Grimoire] [afrayedknot AT [SM-Sorcery] splitting BUILD]
- Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 16:36:13 +0100
Just noticed this whole discussion goes on on sm-sorcery, which is the
wrong list as it's a grimoire not a sorcery issue, forwarding to
The thread can be found at
----- Forwarded message from Andrew <afrayedknot AT>
Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2004 21:32:49 -0800
From: Andrew <afrayedknot AT>
User-Agent: Mutt/1.4.2i
Subject: [SM-Sorcery] splitting BUILD
Some of you may have noticed the traffic on bug 6821. I've hijacked
this bug to further my desire to split up BUILD to its logical pieces,
COMPILE and INSTALL. I've submitted some patches that accomplish the
task and written a design doc about it [1]. I've also gone ahead and
applied the changes to my local perforce client. Changes are just waiting
to be submitted.
A few issues come up here, first of all there is a POST_BUILD script,
and a POST_INSTALL script which run in sequence after BUILD finishes,
of course with my latest changes POST_BUILD runs after INSTALL and
POST_INSTALL runs after that, perhaps we should rename POST_BUILD
something more useful, or rename POST_INSTALL something else? Thoughts?
The final goal of all this is make a new sorcery script that lets the
user run any given spell script by itself (outside of the dependency
mechanism), allowing the user to have more fine-tuned and lower level
control over the casting process. The wiki page details the basic idea
behind this script. I've named the script mutter, does anyone have a
better name? Other thoughts?
And of course another thing that has to happen in order to make mutter
is to move a bunch of the functions from cast into a new library (say
libcast). Any objections to me doing this?
|Andrew D. Stitt | astitt AT |
|irc: afrayedknot | afrayedknot AT |
|aim: thefrayedknot or iteratorplusplus | |
|Grimoire Guru ham/smgl, Porting Team Lead | |
|Author and Maintainer of Prometheus | |
SM-Sorcery mailing list
SM-Sorcery AT
----- End forwarded message -----
Arwed v. Merkatz Sourcemage GNU/Linux developer
[SM-Grimoire] [afrayedknot AT [SM-Sorcery] splitting BUILD],
Arwed von Merkatz, 03/14/2004
Re: [SM-Grimoire] [afrayedknot AT [SM-Sorcery] splitting BUILD],
Hamish Greig, 03/14/2004
- Re: [SM-Grimoire] [afrayedknot AT [SM-Sorcery] splitting BUILD], Arwed von Merkatz, 03/15/2004
- Combining dev lists (Was: Re: [SM-Grimoire] [afrayedknot AT [SM-Sorcery] splitting BUILD]), Eric Sandall, 03/15/2004
[SM-Grimoire] splitting BUILD,
Andrew, 03/16/2004
- Re: [SM-Grimoire] splitting BUILD, Arwed von Merkatz, 03/16/2004
Re: [SM-Grimoire] splitting BUILD,
Robert Helgesson, 03/16/2004
Re: [SM-Grimoire] splitting BUILD,
Arwed von Merkatz, 03/16/2004
Re: [SM-Grimoire] splitting BUILD,
Robert Helgesson, 03/16/2004
Re: [SM-Grimoire] splitting BUILD,
Arwed von Merkatz, 03/16/2004
- Re: [SM-Grimoire] splitting BUILD, Robert Helgesson, 03/16/2004
Re: [SM-Grimoire] splitting BUILD,
Arwed von Merkatz, 03/16/2004
Re: [SM-Grimoire] splitting BUILD,
Robert Helgesson, 03/16/2004
Re: [SM-Grimoire] splitting BUILD,
Arwed von Merkatz, 03/16/2004
Re: [SM-Grimoire] [afrayedknot AT [SM-Sorcery] splitting BUILD],
Hamish Greig, 03/14/2004
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