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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] stable grimoire

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  • From: Thomas Orgis <thomas-forum AT>
  • To: sm-discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] stable grimoire
  • Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2017 11:11:20 +0100

Am Thu, 05 Jan 2017 10:34:25 +0100
schrieb Treeve Jelbert <treeve AT>:

> I just looked at the contents of the stable grimoire
> I see lots of ancient versions.
> gcc-4.6.3

We intended to roll gcc-4.9.3 (or 4.8) as intermediate step, to avoid
also having the whole C++11 ABI break, too. And yes, we should get on
with this. Once a branch is created, I could fire up a script on some
beefy machine to cast as much as possible … but in the end … we only
ensured mostly basesystem upgrade in the past. So testing that and you
ensuring that one has _some_ KDE after the upgrade should be what is
needed. Remember the list of upgrade-tested spells in the old wiki?

> kde-4.10.x
> qt5-5.2.8
> in the case of qt and kde, these versions are at least 3 years old and
> unsupported.
> There is no sign of kde5/plasma stuff
> Given the massive amount of changes in kde, I do not see an easy
> upgrade path from stable to the current test grimoire.

So … since KDE5 does not exist in stable yet, there is no upgrade
problem, is there? I'd be fine with deprecating KDE4 instead of trying
to upgrade to a newer one. We do not have anyone working on KDE4.
Important stuff outside the core DE like okular, kdenlive, and
kolourpaint do use KDE5 in test, as I see.

Does upgrading spells and replacing KDE4 with KDE5 in the process not
work? What kind of issues do you see?

Alrighty then,


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