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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] Questions to the nominees

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  • From: David Kowis <dkowis AT>
  • To: sm-discuss <sm-discuss AT>
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] Questions to the nominees
  • Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2007 21:51:45 -0500

David Kowis wrote:
> Jeremy Blosser wrote:
>> Yeah... a lot of the questions being asked of the candidates are
>> high-profile issues with feelings behind them, so people are understandably
>> getting sidetracked trying to solve them again now. But we aren't going to
>> solve all of these during this election. We need to hear what the
>> candidates intend to do themselves to manage these things to resolution.
>> More of "what you will do" as opposed to "what the project needs".
> So I thought about this for a while, and perhaps you guys need an example.
> As Grimoire Lead I see these issues:
> * Reorganization of the grimoire for code reuse
> * Keywords - which also fit under the reorganization
> * Maintainership, or lack thereof
> Of highest priority, I see is the reorganization. This is not a trivial
> task, and I don't intend to take it lightly. I plan on reorganizing the
> grimoire based on code reuse. That is the most efficient way to handle
> the grimoire. Especially since several spells can be argued into one
> section or the other.
> So the new spell sorting method would be:
> 1. Goes into a section based on code reuse
> 2. Goes into a section based on what the spell does
> 3. Goes into a section based on what the spell uses
> - For example, kde applications and gnome applications
> 4. By maintainer
> 2 and 3 are about on the same level, and is pretty much what we're doing
> right now. We don't really sort anything by maintainer now, and I think
> it will be a good way to allow people to take responsibility for more
> spells, easily. Obviously, I will not sacrifice code reuse just because
> someone wants to move a spell into "their" section.
> Keywords are a key issue here. There's been lots of arguement and
> discussion about whether they're part of sorcery or not. Regardless of
> that problem, I intend to resolve it and move forward implementing
> keywords as a replacement for our sections. Since the sections will be
> based on code reuse, they're not as useful in organizing spells in a
> meaningful way to humans. I propose that we use the existing section
> names as a start to the keyword list. We can add or subtract ones as
> necessary. Keywords allow us to arbitrarily and simply move spells
> around in various groups, or be part of multiple groups. This is the way
> of the future for organizing the grimoire and I intend to resolve this
> issue.
> Maintainership has been lax. Partially because some sections are huge
> and others are small. People work on sections they like and things they
> use. The kde Section is huge. It's nice when someone steps up to take
> care of it for us, but that is a daunting task. I believe that
> reorganizing the grimoire for code reuse will help alleviate some of the
> difficulties in maintaining the grimoire. I will also enforce a coding
> standard for the grimoire. It will be documented and obvious. Creating
> such a document is a high priority, so that it will be easier for new
> developers to get up to speed. It will also serve as a reference for
> those that don't contribute all that often.
> I will work with the Sorcery team to help remove things from sorcery
> that shouldn't be part of sorcery. And I will keep up to date on things
> going on in sorcery so that the grimoire can be ready and able to
> implement improvements, or deprecate old logic. I intend to have monthly
> status meetings or at the very least emails, regarding the current
> status of projects and the grimoire as a whole.
> I'm always available on IRC, and via email. I will let you guys know
> when I go on trips and I will have assistants who will be capable and
> willing to perform my duties while I'm gone.
> <EOM>
> This is the kind of thing that I'd like to see from the prospective
> grimoire leads. Some measure of, "Yes, I will do these things." Not, "We
> should have this." Or, "We need something to do $foo."
> David

So, no takers?

No one's willing to step up and commit to things?

David Kowis
SourceMage GNU/Linux

Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to
find easier ways to do something.
- Robert Heinlein

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