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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] Project Lead Vote for 2007

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  • From: Eric Sandall <eric AT>
  • To: SM-Discuss <sm-discuss AT>
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] Project Lead Vote for 2007
  • Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2007 17:53:30 -0800

Hash: SHA512

I apologize for the late speech (I meant to send it during the
nomination window). I will attempt to keep this short as I know how much
everyone enjoys reading long e-mails. ;)

I have been Project Lead for a while now, so most of you know how I
operate and what I do (and don't do ;)) as PL. Most of my experience
comes as a Grimoire Guru and prior Grimoire Lead, so I tend to focus
most of my attention to that part of the project. I try to do as I
expect others to do: fix bugs, keep spells they use up-to-date and
working, file bugs they find, and try to follow our guidelines and pick
up the slack when others have less time to contribute to SMGL.

Many of you have probably noticed that I am not keen to pushing
organization or policies, though I do agree they are very useful. I tend
towards doing more than thinking (be nice ;)) and so, as mentioned
above, try to lead by example rather than policy. I have a habit of
silently dropping policies which don't seem to work (such as developer
meetings, where only a few show up and even fewer contribute, mainly due
to the difficulty of scheduling a convenient time for people all around
the globe), but will pick them up again if enough people mention it
(e.g. the last developer meeting).

I plan on continuing how I work on SMGL, which mostly consists of
working on our 1.0 RoadMap (not updating the RoadMap, but working on our
targets, again focusing on the Grimoire where I'm most familiar),
discussing and formalizing policies other developers bring up, and
listening to feedback from our developers to improve SMGL.

I feel it is only fair for me to inform you that this year I will be
quite busy. I currently have two part-time jobs (equating to a full-time
job as they're both 20 hrs/wk. at least) and am looking at picking up a
third (where I will be traveling for a week with unknown Internet
access) as well as planning my wedding in September, so I may not be the
most lively person around, but I do plan on continuing to contribute to
SMGL as much as my time allows.

Thank you, and be sure to vote for who you think will best improve SMGL
in the future, not just who has been around for a while or who writes
the best speeches. ;)

- -sandalle

- --
Eric Sandall | Source Mage GNU/Linux Developer
eric at PGP: 0xA8EFDD61 | | #196285
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