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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] "suggested_depends" . . .

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  • From: Mads Laursen <smgl AT>
  • To: sm-discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] "suggested_depends" . . .
  • Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 23:45:06 +0200

On 27/09/05 08.43, Jeremy Blosser (emrys) wrote:
> How about just 'suggest espgs', possibly in a SUGGESTED file.

Then a 'suggest' would be the inverse of an 'optional_depends'? So
if cups has 'suggest espgs' and espgs has 'optional_depends cups'
I could cast cups and be asked, if I wanted to have espgs with that?
That would be cool - and even cooler if cast would then know to answer
yes to the optional_depends?

Just putting down the fist thing that came to mind, after reading this


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