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sm-discuss - Re: [SM-Discuss] p4 / cvs / alternate servers

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  • From: Jason Flatt <jason AT>
  • To: sm-discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [SM-Discuss] p4 / cvs / alternate servers
  • Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 12:37:55 -0700

On Friday 12 September 2003 11:44 am, Geoffrey Derber wrote:
> I was thinking, since p4 is down, I believe I remember reading something
> about having a cvs server now. How well synchronized are the two?
> Would it be possible to switch over to the cvs server while we wait for
> the p4 server to get back up?
> I'm beginning to think we need to do something long term so that if we
> have a server failure like this again, we can easily switch over to
> another server for a bit while we wait on the server to be fixed.
> Geoff

Eric Sandall has been updating the CVS server manually from Perforce (IIRC).
I guess it depends on how diligent he has been able to be as to how current
it is.

The plan is to have the CVS server and the Perforce server operating in
tandem. The hold up has been that there is no one with the knowledge and/or
time to create the synchronization scripts. If you are volunteering, I am
sure there are many folks who would be happy to hear that.

Jason Flatt (jason @ flattfamily . com)
Father of five (
Linux user (
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