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Re: [permaculture] Whitewash Bob's Roof Day plus Mapping/data sitefind story on white roofs impacts
- From: "John D'hondt" <>
- To: "permaculture" <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] Whitewash Bob's Roof Day plus Mapping/data sitefind story on white roofs impacts
- Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2012 00:58:46 +0100
The article below says you can put in top of existing paint layers and those would probably be latex. I am inclined to believe that from what I have seen.
Does anyone know the possible results of painting casine based paint on top of latex paint?
On Jul 19, 2012, at 2:18 PM, Ben Martin Horst <> wrote:
I've only mixed and used a milk-based paint once, but then to good effect._______________________________________________
We painted a floor with it, which gets heavy traffic, then sealed it with
an oil and beeswax mix. It's proven very durable, and we're now on year 3.
We used a quark paint recipe out of a book whose title I no longer recall,
but there's a recipe here that looks pretty
similar to what we used.
On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 6:17 PM, Bob Waldrop <> wrote:
This is interesting. Do we want only the whey, or is the whole soured_______________________________________________
milk workable? Or should I find some casein powder and add that? Do you
also add water too, or is it strictly lime plus soured milk?
I appreciate the tip.
Bob Waldrop, OKC
On 7/18/2012 6:14 PM, John D'hondt wrote:
Another version might be lime + milk (actually early cottage cheese, milkis
gone sour that is releasing the whey. What you need is caseine) We have
found this very hard wearing and heavy-rain resistant as lime and water
definitely not.
We had several last-minute glitches we have not gotten this
done. The first problems were rain, as we had an unusually wet June.
Then we had a hard time actually finding hydrated (slaked) lime. None of
the usual suspects I had access to (Lowes, Home Despot, Ace Hardware)
stock it anymore. I have now tracked down some (from a tack shop) and
will do a fence and then we will see about doing the roof. I am doing
the fence first to try out two or three different formulations for
whitewash, as there are lots of recipes out there. I am going to try one
version that is only lime and water, another with some salt added, a
third with salt added plus letting it sit overnight before using it. A
chemist friend says that the effect of the added salt and letting it sit
is to make it easier to apply, but the cost is some of the whiteness.
So we will try a fence before we do the whole roof.
Bob Waldrop, OKC
On 7/18/2012 10:05 AM, Ken Morneault wrote:
Hi Bob,
Any feedback on the performance of the whitewash yet?
From: Bob Waldrop <>
To: ROE2 <>; permaculture
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 9:34 PM
Subject: [permaculture] Whitewash Bob's Roof Day plus Mapping/data site
find story on white roofs impacts
Whitewash Bob’s Roof Day is coming up June 2, 2012, this is a free
workshop at my house in OKC, where we will whitewash my roof.
For info on the benefits of white roofs, see . . .
For info on the whitewashing of roofs, a very cheap way to get a white
roof, see. . .
There’s also a thread in the archives of this group from last year.
Anyone in the neighborhood is welcome to stop by. Let me know you’re
coming by email to or by signing up with the FB
of .
I am also participating in an experiment that will apply a non-toxic
coating after the whitewash has cured. The goal is to extend the life
the whitewash from 2-3 years to 8-9 years._______________________________________________
A full report will be written and posted.
Bob Waldrop, OKC
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Re: [permaculture] Whitewash Bob's Roof Day plus Mapping/data site find story on white roofs impacts,
John D'hondt, 07/18/2012
Re: [permaculture] Whitewash Bob's Roof Day plus Mapping/data site find story on white roofs impacts,
Bob Waldrop, 07/18/2012
Re: [permaculture] Whitewash Bob's Roof Day plus Mapping/data site find story on white roofs impacts,
Ben Martin Horst, 07/19/2012
Re: [permaculture] Whitewash Bob's Roof Day plus Mapping/data site find story on white roofs impacts,
Sue Bell, 07/19/2012
- Re: [permaculture] Whitewash Bob's Roof Day plus Mapping/data sitefind story on white roofs impacts, John D'hondt, 07/19/2012
- Re: [permaculture] Whitewash Bob's Roof Day plus Mapping/data site find story on white roofs impacts, Bob Waldrop, 07/19/2012
Re: [permaculture] Whitewash Bob's Roof Day plus Mapping/data site find story on white roofs impacts,
Sue Bell, 07/19/2012
Re: [permaculture] Whitewash Bob's Roof Day plus Mapping/data site find story on white roofs impacts,
John D'hondt, 07/19/2012
Re: [permaculture] Whitewash Bob's Roof Day plus Mapping/data site find story on white roofs impacts,
Bob Waldrop, 07/19/2012
- Re: [permaculture] Whitewash Bob's Roof Day plus Mapping/data site find story on white roofs impacts, John D'hondt, 07/20/2012
Re: [permaculture] Whitewash Bob's Roof Day plus Mapping/data site find story on white roofs impacts,
Bob Waldrop, 07/19/2012
Re: [permaculture] Whitewash Bob's Roof Day plus Mapping/data site find story on white roofs impacts,
Ben Martin Horst, 07/19/2012
Re: [permaculture] Whitewash Bob's Roof Day plus Mapping/data site find story on white roofs impacts,
Bob Waldrop, 07/18/2012
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