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permaculture - Re: [permaculture] Soil Injections via Keyline?

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  • From: Ben Falloon <>
  • To: permaculture <>
  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] Soil Injections via Keyline?
  • Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 21:41:42 +1000

G'day Marisha and Lawrence,

I'm following an established method of brewing that produces an excellent diversity of soil microbes, so the goal is as you say Marisha, to "pump up the populations". I'm also looking for precision in this effort. I intend to verify the presence of the desired soil life under the microscope, leaving little to chance.

I simply love the notion of compost tea. Creating the right conditions during brewing for explosive population grow of the soil organisms we need. The marriage of Yeomans keyline cultivation and Ingham's inoculant compost tea is a match made in fertility heaven!

Then add a Salatin inspired relocalised cow and chicken husbandry duet to a Yeomans lock pipe gravity flood irrigation approach and there you have it - a total retrofit of your typical grass farm. An about face! Better soil, better nutrition, a renewed local economy. A reversal of all degrading effects in a 180 degree about turn towards building fertility year by year instead of seeing it drop steadily through ill conceived methods. It's the number of beneficial connections that counts.

The more aware I become of the intricacies of soil life, the more respect I develop for pasture soil (since this is my current area of focus). I believe it should be treated with the same reverence afforded the soil in an organic veggie patch. That's why I'm thrilled to get this system up and running. It is truly a means of 'farming like a gardener'. Of treating acres of land the way we might treat meters of garden.

I'll publish the brewing and trails over the next month or so. Then people have a reference if they want to do this themselves.

And thanks Lawrence for your interesting suggestions. I hadn't thought of rock dust!


On 17/09/2009, at 5:14 PM, Marisha Auerbach wrote:

I think it would be beneficial to apply liquid mycorrhizal fungi and
Effective Microorganisms while Keylining to pump up the populations of
critters in the soil.


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 15:37:04 -0400
From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <>
Subject: Re: [permaculture] Soil Injections via Keyline?
To: permaculture <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Ben Falloon wrote:

As some of you know, I've recently knocked together a system of
injecting inoculant 'compost tea' directly into the root zone of
pasture plants via the keyline plow; the development of which I've
documented on my farm blog.

Clearly the benefits of combining these two methods with respect to
soil building and health will be immense.

Are there any suggestions for other beneficial fluid or solids that I
might inject into the soil while keyline plowing? My rig includes a
new platform so I have space to lug material. I'm employing the so
called 'fertliser boots' to deliver the tea into the soil. I'd like to
stimulate possibilities for the purpose of adding 'value' to a single
tractor pass...

Any suggestions?

Many thanks,
Ben Falloon

Tea from seaweed or seaweed extract, fermented plant extracts, rock
dust/powder tea.
Get some rock dust (siltation pond fines) from a local quarry and put some
in a vat with lots of water.
When ready to use stir it up then siphon off the opaque or clody water and
mix it immediately with your compost tea
and/or seaweed tea. Inject into soil with your Yeomans rig.

Herb'n Wisdom
Queen Bee Flower Essences

"...the greatest change we need to make is from consumption to
production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of
us do this, there is enough for everyone.

Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on
the very system they attack, and who produce words and bullets, not food
and shelter." - Bill Mollison
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