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permaculture - Re: [permaculture] reduce pesticide use by the ton and fertilizers

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  • From:
  • To:
  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] reduce pesticide use by the ton and fertilizers
  • Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 15:48:28 -0400

My advice is don't let permaculture anywhere near the U.S. organic standards.
It was the biggest mistakes that the organic farming community made to push
for federal organic standards.  Now the corporations are in the drivers seat.
We don't want Permaculture designs coming from Dean Foods, Monsanto et. al.
They will find the way to totally subvert whatever meaning Permaculture
currently has.

Larry Saltzman

-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Maley <>
To: permaculture <>
Sent: Thu, 23 Aug 2007 11:19 am
Subject: Re: [permaculture] reduce pesticide use by the ton and fertilizers

Maybe some of this information would help explain why Organic.
Tell them to google "Itai-Itai". Also, once you understand the ecology
nvolved, it becomes pretty clear where all of those species going extinct

"... if your experience is that your food comes from the grocery store and
ater comes from the tap, you’ll defend to the death the system that brings
hose to you because your life depends on it. If, on the other hand, your food
omes from a landbase and your water comes from a river, then you’ll defend to
he death that landbase and that river, because your life depends on them."

aul wheaton <> wrote: > Let's teach people the benefits of
aving no or a tiny bit of lawn. If they
don't want to, tell them about the impending (year tba) oil crash Armageddon
and that they'll have to or live miserably, if not hungry as the rest of
their friends will grow food on their lands.
I think this is a good thing. And while I have not written an article
xpressing that, I have said as much in many forums.
I also think that the road to healing the earth is going to be
volutionary, not revolutionary.
That's why I think the USDA organic program should be modified to be a
cale of 0 to 10. Organic 5 can be what is currently labeled organic.
Organic 8 could be something that is organic + permaculture.
This way, farms and farmers can ramp up to organic - instead of having
o, from their perspective, make a big leap. And consumers can also
amp into knowledge about organic - right now, most american consumers
re certain that the "organic movement" is a pile of horse potatoes.
ll marketing slight of hand and no true substance. At the same
ime, many of them are willing to pay a bit more for "premium"
Back to lawns: Yes, it is painful to see somebody mowing an acre of
rass every week. It would be great to see a forest garden there
nstead. But while they are lawn crazy - maybe they can at least be
awn crazy without the chemicals.
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