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permaculture - [permaculture] Jean Pain/homestead gas revisited

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  • From: John Fritz <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [permaculture] Jean Pain/homestead gas revisited
  • Date: Tue, 8 May 2007 17:46:42 -0700 (PDT)

Earlier this year I tried to drum up some interest on this list for the
methods of Jean Pain and his Forest Thicket Compost. Well, I still haven't
found out how he managed his accomplishments but I may have found the next
best thing. Anyone who is interested in the possibility of producing energy
to run their homestead (including small IC engines) may find the info at helpful. It is definitely interesting. They have
an expanding library of books for sale explaining how to make hydrogen from
wood gasification and even sell engines that are set to run on this fuel. I
have ordered a couple of their books and am eagerly waiting ther arrival.
Below I have posted an email sent to me by them. Take a look.

John Fritz, NW Arkansas.

Dear John,

Why we are doing it, how we are doing it, what is out, what is coming
out and more than you probably wanted to know...

Here is a sticker that should scare the pee out of you.

The question may have come to your mind of, 'What the heck are they
doing at' Well I'll tell you. We got tired
idiot politicians, idiot companies and idiot everything else.
Politicians cannot find their rear end with both hands let alone do anything
about energy, not to mention energy for YOU and almost every company wants
to tell you, 'OUR stuff is the best, that WE have the Technology that
is key to Hydrogen and that we're all going to join hands and sing 'we
are the world' and all be happy... Oh yes and WE have an IPO coming out
soon... make us rich... BLAH BLAH BLAH...' Yeah yeah... fuel cells in
homes by 2000 and in cars by 2002 and we're gonna do this and we're
gonna do that. They have ALL FAILED--crashed in flames.

If everyone says it'll be ready in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and
it's not on the Internet for you to go and take your credit card and buy
it, then it has failed. If you can't get it, then it's no good to you.
No consultation, no bidding, no price quotes, no messing around. Here
is my credit card, SHIP IT. If it's not available to you, then it's
not available. Didn't I say that before?

That is EXACLTY why is THE ONLY PLACE in the
world where you can come and use your credit card and buy an electrical
generator that runs on Hydrogen. You pay, and we'll ship (after we
figure out your country's customs and import duties [headache]).
The Hydrogen powered Electrical Generator is here:

Our latest catalog is always HERE:

That is EXACLTY why is licensing and
re-publishing the books that we are right now. They are ON THE WEBSITE. You
can go BUY THEM NOW. You can buy 1, you can buy them all. They are
actually available to you and can do you good and one of the reasons I am
writing this email is so that it can help you decide what is good for
you and what is not. We are also going to be increasing the FREE
section on the website. There is a lot of information that we can provide
to you for free. We want to give you the 101 on the subject so you can
get the 201 level book to understand the subject even more. We try
very hard to keep the prices of our books as low as possible. On other
books we intentionally lower the price to a point that is as painfully
cheap as we can manage. Specifically the US Department of Energy (DOE)
Fundamentals handbooks. These are incredible learning books on
Chemistry, Physics, Math, Material Science, Nuclear Engineering, Mecha
nical Science, Electrical Science (electricity) and more. Bought and
paid for by the tax payers of the US government. Since we all paid for
the development of these excellent books I keep the price on them as
low as possible. The DOE books are here:

Here is a concept for you. It is really easy to make a car that runs
on antimatter. We have everything we need to make it happen. The
problem is that you cannot get the antimatter to do it with. So what good
is an antimatter car? A hydrogen car is a no brainer. We have a DVD
out on how to convert a car to Hydrogen. ALL of the first internal
combustion engines ever made were hydrogen engines. Roy McAlister has
been converting engines to Hydrogen since 1965. One of the first engines
he converted was a 1940 truck engine. BUT... it's the same as the
antimatter engine... you don't have the hydrogen to put INTO the vehicle.

Which is exactly why we made the Hydrogen Car and Multifuel DVD.
Because you only need 5 to 10% hydrogen by BTU content to use really cheap
fuels in your car. You can use used motor oil, waste vegetable oil,
homemade turpines, homemade wet alcohol, diesel fuel, kerosene and much
more IN YOUR GASOLINE VEHICLE ENGINE, if, and only IF you have about 10%
hydrogen going into the cylinder to characterize the combustion of the
other fuel. So even if you had a $20 welding tank with 300 cubic feet
of hydrogen you could use it on a car that had some other source of
cheap fuel being used in it. It brings the cost of operation down from
equivalently $30 a gallon on pure hydrogen down to $1.50 - $3.00
equivalent for the H2 to help you use a liquid fuel you get for free.

SO this is all about USING ENERGY YOU CAN GET.

Next we started getting books licensed and republished regarding all
different forms of making energy. Forms of making energy that YOU CAN
DO. Methods that WERE PROVEN and demonstrated--and methods that we could
demonstrate to YOU. Again, what good is a form of energy or energy
transfer if you can't get it? It's no good having a microhydro power
system if you live where there is not falling / running water. What good
is a car that runs on different fuels if you can't get them? It does
no good. Also, what good is an energy source / carrier for your house
if you can't get it? It does no good.

Right now we have books on generating a hydrogen dominant gas from
almost anything biomass. Wood chips work best and are the most available
to you as person. The actual output is mainly hydrogen, carbon monoxide
with nitrogen from the atmosphere. Carbon Monoxide is almost as good
of a 'fuel' / energy carrier as hydrogen. It has very good combustion
characteristics. Hydrogen wants to combust and go to H2O, water vapor.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) wants to combust and go to CO2, and nothing else.
A complicated molecule such as gasoline with CxHy or CxHyOz wants to
split and form many things in addition to carbon dioxide and water vapor.
That is why CO and H2 are wonderful gases for your internal combustion

We have the books Hydrogen Gas Generator for Vehicles and Engines
Volumes 1&2, 3&4 and 5. This subject is also covered in Hydrogen from
Organic Material as well as the large Hydrogen book, Hydrogen Manufacture
from Electrolysis, Thermal Decomposition and Other Unusual Methods.
Industrial Hydrogen also has portions of this subject BUT.... if I were
you... and I only wanted ONE BOOK to start with, the most hands on book
with the best reference it would be the Volume 3&4 book. With that book
YOU CAN make a gas generator that will run a small generator to power
your house from wood chips. You can make a gas generator that will run
a vehicle. I don't think you want to do it to your 2006 Jeep, but it
can be done. Do the smaller engine first. Until we brought out these
book, you DID NOT have an affordable source of hydrogen. You are NOT
going to make affordable hydrogen by electrolysis or any number of the
ridiculous silly methods sold by idiots, cons and crooks trying to g
et you to believe in space aliens and magnets pointing north giving
you free energy.

So the Hydrogen Gas Generator Books - Volumes 1 to 5 are what you want
to start with for hands on hydrogen, energy generation, home power, off
grid... making it yourself....and if you can only get one book, then
get Volume 3&4.
The books are here:
and there are some specials and package deals here:

NOT ONLY have we made these books available but we are selling a
biomass wood gasification stove that uses EXACTLY the same methods described
in the Volumes 1 to 5.
[quick video of the stove here:]
[ longer video of the stove from start up to operation here:( AVI and
Windows Media Formats)]
buy one here if you desire

For $55 you can buy one, see it, touch it, run it, use it and know that
it is real. EVERY single early internal combustion engine ran on this
fuel. There was NOT refined petroleum back then and everyone who had
an IC engine (1 cylinder) had to use this method to make their own fuel
for the engine. Back then they wanted rotary horse power to run mill
tools, shops, grinding mills, stamping mills and much more without
having to be close to a source of water to run a water wheel.

Ok, not ONLY do we have the books and the stove ( and more coming out)
but we ARE GOING to be selling the actually Hydrogen Gas Generators
themselves. You WILL be able to order one and operate it where ever you
are in the world on hopefully free biomass you have around you. It
likes 'chunky' biomass from the size of wood chips and wood pellets (like
rabbit food size) to about the size of golf balls. Smaller stuff such as
chafe can be 'densified' and used as well. We are going to sell these
by themselves, we are going to sell these with electrical generators,
we are going to sell these with hybrid generators, we are going to sell
these MOUNTED on small motor cycles. Everything will be able to be
purchased on the web with your credit card. We are not just talking the
talk, we are walking the walk.

Why are we doing this? How can we do this? We'll that's easy. We
are the scientists and the researches behind it. Roy and Myself have
spent our entire lives working with energy and hydrogen and solar and
every other form of energy, chemistry and science you can think of. We
pick the books, we know what is good, we know what can be done and we
know what is JUNK--and there is a LOT OF JUNK OUT THERE. Water car
JUNK, free energy JUNK, magnetic JUNK, Tesla JUNK ( and I like Tesla) but
the turbine and stuff trying to be sold is JUNK JUNK JUNK. The fuel
additives and the underhood electrolysers are JUNK. I repeat, JUNK. This
new liquid hydrogen con that is going around now is JUNK, BUNK and
worse, but decorum prevents me from swearing about it. So we pick the
books, we license the books, or write them, we do this with technology
that we know, we understand and we know that you'll be able to use, we
publish the book, we sell the book and we ship the book. That mean
s there are no IDIOTS in the middle to MESS EVERYTHING UP. No one to
object, whine, cry, complain or to have a hissy about something they
don't like. We are not shoveling out titles for no reason. As you read
this we are at 41 book titles. We did this in 3 months. We have 2 more
booking coming out next week, then 3 more after that...then more after
that. We are not going to stop and in fact we are expanding. We
firmly believe in the saying, ' Lead, Follow or get the HELL out of the
way.' Those in our way will be road kill and we are not sensitive about
it at all. The crows and ants need to eat too don't they? This is of
course a metaphor. We are not kind or nice to those trying to get us
to support their JUNK we mentioned above. We are downright rude. Junk
is JUNK and will always be JUNK no matter how much you whip it into a
foam. There is no 'giving it a chance' for fecal material to turn into
perfume. It is what it is and it will be called what it is.

Google has made a WONDERFUL company and a very profitable company by
making the Internet MORE FREE. Free email with over 2 gigs of
storage..for nothing...and they make money at it. We are going to do the
thing with energy. KnowledgePublications will support itself, its
employees and its research by making energy cheaper for you.

It's not just the Hydrogen Gas Generator Series we have out, that is
for making energy at home.

We have TWO alcohol books out now, with more on the way. Alcohol is a
fuel you can make at home. For home power, for a generator (our
minibike runs on E85), for home heat, for car fuel. Alcohol CAN be made
from waste cellulose material (paper, wood, tree bark, furry animals
[kidding]) if it is treated with some common and cheap acids, then
neutralized and the yeast is introduced. This is in the Industrial Alcohol
Book. We have a new book on alcohol as a fuel from and for the farm.
These books are here:
If you like hydrogen you are going to want these books because Roy and
I have a book / and or a DVD on making hydrogen on the fly from
alcohol, Wonderful stuff. Also, there are all sorts of great yeasts out
there for alcohol. You can get special yeast at a wine / beer brew shop for
making 18% to 20% alcohol. Even yeast from the grocery store will make
12% alcohol in 4 to 7 days, and there are some SUPER yeasts that will
make up to 24% alcohol and there is a great one that I love that will
make 12% alcohol in 24 HOURS. Not 7 days. 1 day. A 55 gallon barrel
filled with water and sugar can be converted to 12% alcohol in 24 hours !
Off the shelf, ready to use now, You can buy it on the Internet... or
you can use $1 of yeast from Walmart and do it in 7 days or less. Get
those billions of bacterial working for YOU!!!!

Oh, before I forget... we have these great 9' solar concentration
parabolic super mirrors. Don't leave one in your car mirror side up or
there is a good chance of it starting a fire in your car. I am VERY
serious. This mirror, unlike many cheap concentrating mirrors, has VERY good
focus. If you put newspaper or wood in the focal point, you will hear
a good POP when the flame jumps off the wood or paper. This is
actually a small pop from the hydrogen, that is being disassociated from the
organic molecule, igniting in a micro concentration around the focus
point. Now listen to me carefully, I have a LOT of people writing to me
about the 7 INCH by 10 INCH solar lens we sell, for some reason they
think this type of stuff, because it goes over 3000F, is like some type
of lightsaber with infinite amount of energy. They think it will heat
their house, cook their food, flame their enemies and power the world.
Yes. Solar power can do that, but not when it is only 9 inches in
diameter or7' x 10'. It can make enough power, heat, cooling and
electricity to maybe keep a very small mouse happy if he had this for his
little mouse house. 1 mouse. Very small.
You can get it here and it does come free (for a while) with certain

We have two new books called BIOGAS 1&2. 1 book, 2 volumes in 1.
This is a great, great book for making METHANE (natural gas) from the
waste product of humans and animals. This is a GREAT way to make energy.
It can't help but make methane. Nature takes over. All of the
bacteria that are needed are in the ...'waste material' Put a bunch of
material from animals or humans into a barrel, add water, mix it up.
Mix it up some more and cover it. After about 3 days the bacteria that
like Oxygen are done eating (and making CO2) and the bacteria that do
NOT like oxygen start to feed and they make Methane (CH4). Then
depending on the temperature you'll get a nice gas output for 1 to 3 weeks.
This book covers it very, very well and makes it SOOOO simple. All you
need is a 55 gallon drum, a 33 gallon drum and some hose and tube. The
drum can be metal or plastic. Plastic is EASIER to work with. You
can use a truck innertube to store even MORE gas than the generat
or itself stores.
The book is here:
And next week we'll have BIOGAS 3 out ! Biogas 1&2 is about making
biogas in India, Biogas 3 is how the Chinese do it. Whereas the India
method is much smaller in scale and uses barrels, which is PERFECT for 1
family or multiple families, the Chinese method is about doing it for
farms or small communities (villages). This IS a great way of doing it
if you have multiple cows or pigs. This will make a very plentiful
amount of methane. If you have a Dairy, this method can be done over and
over in the ground and you will make plenty of energy and fertilizer
that you can sell. Plus you'll negate a lot of your pollution pond
issues. The Chinese method involves digging pits and making underground
storage. You dump waste in one side, it makes gas in the middle and good
fertilizer is taken out on the other side. The Chinese run MILLIONS
of these. MILLIONS! I mean TODAY, right NOW. They have it down to an

Speaking of Around the World, This email.... well.. it's so
fascinating. I know that this email is going to go around the world. I
try to keep that in mind when I am writing it. Us Americans usually
think we are the world, but there is so much more out there (as all of
you have taught me.).. So my point is, I want books. I want some of the
best books on energy of all types from around the world written in the
language of the country you are in. I am willing to license and
publish the books and yes I need them translated. You can translate them, I
can hire a service etc... but I'm looking for great books on energy--
Especially from Germany and China, as well as the rest of the Asian
continent and India. All of Arabia and Persia has an incredible history
and I'm interested in 'Arabic' books on the subject. If it has anything
to do with energy or the use of energy. I am interested and I want to
bring the best books of the entire world and make them available
in all languages. Please contact me if you know of some great books.

Here is a sticker that should scare the piss out of you.

Want to know why you should start with the biomass energy work??? read
the sticker

Thank you!
Steven Harris

Our latest catalog is always HERE:
we update it about once a week with new stuff, and sometimes we put in
special coupons and other exciting check back often.

8243 Dartmouth
Warren, MI

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