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permaculture - Re: [permaculture] Invisible Structures Information

Subject: permaculture

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  • From: Paul Cereghino <>
  • To: permaculture <>
  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] Invisible Structures Information
  • Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 22:18:44 -0800

Long one, but bear with me... Beware, the following monologue contains
multiple poorly defined concepts that could be easily misinterpreted...

"Personally, I am interested in any models/metaphors that folks may be aware of that are analogues of "economic systems" that occur in nature. This might include such behaviors as squirrels hoarding nuts, but I am really looking for energy exchange models that might be mirrored as we design permaculture "economies""

In natural systems you can find any number of arrangements between species that involve exchange of resources from facilitation to parasitism to predation. You can then proceed to find benefits and costs to each arrangement as motivated by your cosmology. Within populations you can find all manner of social-political structure: matriarchy, patriarchy, anarchy, pure communalism... aren't our economic arrangements just side effects of our socio-political models for control of resources?

So I propose that 'economic system' is more of a symptom than a driver -- our socio-political models establish power dynamics (primarily ownership of resources and monopoly on violence) and these systems then just respond to the resource environment by forming economic arrangements. If you wanted an ecological model you could adopt Philip Grime's model of plant strategies (interesting interview at environments dominated by disturbance reward 'ruderal' strategies focused on dispersal and repeated recolonization of opportunistic niches. Environments with periods of extreme stress rewards those that grow slow and invest in stress tolerance and avoidance infrastructure. Abundant resource bases favors those individuals that devote energy to competing and controlling resources without regard for the future.
You could describe our "economic environment" as being in transition from one with an abundance resource base, benefiting 'competitors', to one increasingly dominated by stress or disturbance. Viable socio-political entities must adapt to changing success criteria. Perhaps permaculture is a 'stress tolerator' strategy that won't really kick in until stressors increase (oil and resource depletion + climate shifts), but is vulnerable to 'disturbance' (climate craziness and violent chaos) that supports more ruderal strategies (militarism).

I'd reiterate the idea that "economic patterns" are adaptive to the combination of "social-political system" and "environmental condition". A economic structure has no horsepower without control over resources (Frank Herbert said "he who can destroy a thing controls that thing.."). Permaculture depends, perhaps more than any other economic model on the control of land (currently manifested by holding title). Permaculture economic arrangements support acquisition of control over land under management systems that build fertility and habitat functions. Permanent economies must in turn be supported by stable socio-political systems.
Land trust systems seem a natural complement to economic structures that leverage land ownership. There is an informal system of conservation acquisition in Washington, USA now underway. NGO's buy land with ecological value, use public money for salmon recovery to strip off 'development rights' and then turn around and sell the remainder of land rights (residence and compatible use) to a 'conservation buyer'. This is a 'permaculture' model in that it is creating connections between existing entities and stacks functions. To enhance this 'guild' you could either figure out how to create more conservation buyers, create socio-political structures that subsidize the process, or find other capital flows within society that can be diverted toward this kind of investment. Land trusts that acquire land without finding people to live on that land, run into problems in trying to finance stewardship in the absence of residential stewards. Educational systems developed by local government to educate private landowners to be 'good stewards' is a natural member of this guild, as are 'conservation corps' groups that provide cheap labor to complete 'conservation' work.

The bottom line is that 'economic permaculture' is designing 'economic gardens' in the context of the existing 'economic environment'. The desire for 'apartness' so we can shed the shackles of our 'fundamentally flawed economic system' fundamentally separates the permaculture venture from the sources, flows, and sinks of the existing economic environment, and so fails to be good permaculture design. The idea that 'permaculture' can only operate through people "tuning in, turning on and dropping out" may have no functional value. As the resource environment changes (resource depletion + global climate change) we will need to adapt, but those are not the current design conditions. So we must develop successional designs that take us from here to there using existing environments, not imaginary environments. Or we could contentedly work like Noah building our ark, quite certain that the 'big one' really is just around the corner this time.


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