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Re: [permaculture] Bush pardons himself. CNN transcript
- From: Gary Cobb <>
- To: permaculture <>
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] Bush pardons himself. CNN transcript
- Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 06:00:12 -0700 (PDT)
Let's keep the politics out of here!!!!! Thank you.
Keith Johnson <> wrote: The House just passed
President Bush's bill to redefine the treatment of
detainees, and the Senate's expected to do the same thing tomorrow.
Buried deep inside this legislation is a provision that will pardon
President Bush and all the members of his administration of any possible
crimes connected with the torture and mistreatment of detainees dated
all the way back to September 11, 2001.
At least President Nixon had Gerald Ford to do his dirty work. President
Bush is trying to pardon himself.
Here's the deal.
Under the War Crimes Act, violations of the Geneva Conventions are
felonies. In some cases, punishable by death.
When the Supreme Court ruled the Geneva Conventions applied to al Qaeda
and Taliban detainees, President Bush and his boys were suddenly in big
trouble. They had been working these prisoners over pretty good. In an
effort to avoid possible prosecution, they're trying to cram this bill
through Congress before the end of the week when Congress adjourns. The
reason there's such a rush to do this, if the Democrats get control of
the House in November, well, this kind of legislation probably wouldn't
You want to know the real disgrace of what these people are about to do
or are in the process of doing? Senator Bill Frist and Congressman
Dennis Hastert and their Republican stooges apparently don't see
anything wrong with this.
I really do wonder sometimes what we're becoming in this country. The
question is this: Should Congress pass a bill giving retroactive
immunity to President Bush for possible war crimes?
[I don't know if the Senate passed it. I suspect they did. Anyone hear
Keith Johnson
Permaculture Activist Magazine
PO Box 5516
Bloomington, IN 47408
(812) 335-0383
also Patterns for Abundance Design & Consulting
also APPLE-Bloomington (Alliance for a Post-Petroleum Local Economy)
It's a small world after oil.
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[permaculture] Bush pardons himself. CNN transcript,
Keith Johnson, 10/10/2006
Re: [permaculture] Bush pardons himself. CNN transcript,
Gary Cobb, 10/11/2006
Re: [permaculture] Bush pardons himself. CNN transcript,
Felicity Wright, 10/11/2006
- Re: [permaculture] Bush pardons himself. CNN transcript, josh smith, 10/13/2006
Re: [permaculture] Bush pardons himself. CNN transcript,
Felicity Wright, 10/11/2006
Re: [permaculture] Bush pardons himself. CNN transcript,
Gary Cobb, 10/11/2006
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