Subject: permaculture
List archive
- From: Marsha Hanzi <>
- To:
- Subject: [permaculture] IPC-8 in Brazil....
- Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2006 09:36:35 -0700 (PDT)
Boa tarde!
It may be a surprise to you all how PC has grown
here. There are now 11 institutes and two networks,
one belonging to the three institutes related to Ali
Sharif, and another, "Permear" of 40 professionals
(and growing exponentially!) which is not
institutional ( which I belong,
as well as Skye, whom many of you know.
THE IPC-8 is being organized by Ali Sharif. The rest
of us are not involved in the organiztion, but will be
opening our projects and homes to all of you who would
like to visit! The Permear homepage is a good place to
find out what´s going on in PC Brazil, and what
opportunities there will be around the dates of the
event itself.
I personally will be giving a course on "Using
kinesiology as a planning tool", along with a
veterinarian who is specialized in animal
communication. Sort of a fun thing to add a new side
to our work! First week in June, soon up on my site
I am implanting a cashew based agroforest on pure
sand! Three years of sweat, but the first results are
beginning to show. I presently have three lots: 7
hectares designated for agroforest, 6 hectares, annual
crops integrated with trees, and 4 hectares, sloping
clay, good for vegetables. So we have a piece of each
ecosystem type in our region...
The intention is cultural as well as agroecological,
so we also do music, capoeira, have a library , etc...
Will be visitng my daughter in California in November,
and hope to see/meet some of you then!
PS our Bahian Permaculture Institute is now doing a
polyculture project with 1,000 farm families! (Started
with 4, and just grew and grew)...
Best wishes!
Marsha Hanzi
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[permaculture] IPC-8 in Brazil....,
Marsha Hanzi, 08/26/2006
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- [permaculture] IPC-8 in Brazil...., Charles de Matas, 08/28/2006
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