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[permaculture] BALI BOMBING AND RELIEF-local permaculture NGO acts
- From: PacificEdge <>
- To: Intl permaculture list <>
- Subject: [permaculture] BALI BOMBING AND RELIEF-local permaculture NGO acts
- Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 12:03:41 +1000
from PacificEdge...
BALI BOMBING AND RELIEF-local permaculture NGO acts...
The following message from SEED International demonstrates how the Indonesian Permaculture Network is responding to immediate needs and increasing the relevancy of permaculture to contemporary life...
Hi everyone,
Here's an update from the Indonesian Permaculture Network (IDEP) about happenings in Bali. They have been co-ordinating aspects of the 24hour rescue and victim support since the explosions.
If you can offer any support please contact them. They are particularly in need of donations to assist with medical support for local people injured in the blast . There is a tremendous amount of suffering being experienced by the Balinese families too - not getting much (or any) exposure on the news.
I've been receiving daily reports from IDEP. If anyone wants me to send further updates from the teams on the ground please let me know.
SEED International & Crystal Waters College
(SEED International was formerly known as Sustainable Futures)
Directors: Morag Gamble and Evan Raymond
50 Crystal Waters, Kilcoy Lane, Conondale, QLD 4552 Australia
ph/fax: +61 (0)7 5494 4833
> Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 22:45:43 +0800
> To: <>
> Subject: Tuesday night update from bali
> Thank you everyone for the outpouring of support for the Bali Relief
> Efforts! Sorry for the gap in communications today it has been very busy
> consolidating all our efforts over here, so that we can all join forces down
> at Sanglah but as you can see below the results are good, and there has been
> lots of progress on the ground.
> Cash Donations Needed:
> Our biggest ongoing need is cash donations. Please email the following
> donation information to any of your friends or family. Please note that we
> have a new US Tax-deductible account where people can send checks.
> Please click on to either of these links for International and local
> donations :
> or
> Relief efforts have become better organized over the past day with the
> volunteer teams at the Hospital defining more specific needs for volunteers.
> (see list below if you are interested in joining up)
> The well organized Bali Hati / Casa Luna Volunteer relief group has joined
> forces with the idep team that were down there from the outset, and a omitee
> has been organized to coordinate efforts. Part of the team is a group of 50
> Balinese University students.
> Everyone is helping with cleaning, data consolidation on patients and 2
> Indonesian students have been assigned to each ward / patient. These
> students are doing a needs assessments for patients and their families.
> There are also hundreds of volunteers including The BIWA team, numerous
> tourists, locals and the Ubud "Scooter Club" with sixty members on standby.
> The local organization Promo Sandiyawan group (JRKB), is showing a huge turn
> out of support from hundreds of Indonesians. They are working tirelessly day
> and night on the ground at the bombing site clearing debris, and up until
> recently recovering more bodies, as well by counseling families in need of
> help, supplying medicines and food to those in need. By tomorrow we hope to
> be able to have their report updates translated into English for you and
> sent out. They are doing an amazing job on the ground.
> The foreign Forensic Team has arrived and has sealed the morgue to undergo a
> thorough process of identification. How identification of local victims
> will work is still unclear as the standard dental record system isn't
> applicable for most local victims. More information will be available in the
> next few days. They have stated that nobody is considered deceased and will
> be classified as "Missing Persons" until the Forensic Team has positively
> identified the body. So please disregard any earlier list you have seen as
> there seem to be a lot of discrepancies on lists that have been published in
> the media and on-line to date.
> As we are quite limited in our abilities to return on all the emails we are
> receiving, please direct your questions to the following email addresses:
> 1) Donations and Volunteer Opportunities: email:
> 2) Media Relations: email:
> At Sanglah we need volunteers who can work a consistent shift (four-six
> hours) over a minimum of three days as it takes more time for the existing
> team to constantly retrain new volunteers. In addition, volunteers should
> work within a specific area for those three days. The specific areas with
> the highest priority listed first:
> 1) Trained Medical Personnel or Nurses who know how to dispense medicine -
> needed : 4 people per shift
> 2) Data Entry People who have good computer skills -
> Needed : 6 people per shift
> 3) Grief Counselors - needed : 10 people per shift
> 4) Crisis Center - needed : 2 people per shift who have Indonesian / Bahasa
> language skills
> 5) Volunteer Team - needed : 2 people per shift
> 6) Front Door Orientation - needed : 1 person per shift
> If you have these skills and are interested in signing up Please contact one
> of the relief centers below BEFORE going to Sanglah Hospital:
> Balinese and Indonesians, please call
> The Promo Sandiyawan group (JRKB) Tel: 257503 or 257504
> Westerners and Tourists, please call
> The Casa Luna Ubud support group: Tel: 973283
> Thank you so much - we'll have another update tomorrow.
...Russ Grayson, PacificEdge Media, Sydney, Australia.
- [permaculture] BALI BOMBING AND RELIEF-local permaculture NGO acts, PacificEdge, 10/20/2002
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