Subject: permaculture
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- From: PacificEdge <>
- To:
- Subject: Re: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux
- Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2002 14:05:23 +1000
On Friday, September 20, 2002, at 10:24 AM, Michael Murphy wrote:
Afghanistan ran out of oil and everything else except bullets a long
time ago.
Perhaps the oil in question is found in the once-Soviet republics to the north and Afghanistan is needed as a conduit for the oil to the Persian Gulf via pipeline?
Maybe it's time to move to the hydrogen economy!
Incidentally, media surveys indicate that something over 70% of Australians oppose supporting actively the US in any action against Iraq outside UN auspices. And this morning's (Saturday) Sydney Morning Herald headline "Bush: how I'll rule the world" isn't likely to change that (the article response to Dubya's document published last night Sydney time which can be found in full at:
...Russ Grayson
-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Hitchins []
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 4:31 PM
Subject: RE: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux
"....unless the West imposes order..." ??!!!!!! Yeah, or unless they run
out of oil and we all go home and leave them alone to get on with their
lives in the manner they choose.
permaculture mailing list
Russ Grayson
Sydney, Australia
RE: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux,
Scott Hitchins, 09/19/2002
- RE: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux, Mark, 09/20/2002
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
RE: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux,
Michael Murphy, 09/19/2002
Re: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux,
PacificEdge, 09/22/2002
Re: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux,
Mark, 09/23/2002
Re: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux,
PacificEdge, 09/24/2002
Re: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux,
Mark, 09/24/2002
Re: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux,
Margaret L Wilson, 09/24/2002
- Re: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux, Mark, 09/24/2002
- Re: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux, Margaret L Wilson, 09/24/2002
- Re: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux, PacificEdge, 09/28/2002
Re: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux,
Margaret L Wilson, 09/24/2002
- Re: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 09/24/2002
- Re: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux, Margaret L Wilson, 09/24/2002
- Re: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux, John Schinnerer, 09/28/2002
Re: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux,
Mark, 09/24/2002
Re: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux,
PacificEdge, 09/24/2002
Re: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux,
Mark, 09/23/2002
Re: [permaculture] Afghanistan redux,
PacificEdge, 09/22/2002
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