Subject: permaculture
List archive
- From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <>
- To: permaculture
- Subject: Re: Comfrey
- Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 21:29:00 -0500
On Fri, 31 Mar 2000 02:59:39 +0100, "Graham Burnett"
<> wrote:
>There always seems to be some 'expert' or other wanting to 'dis' comfrey-
>surely there's FAR more
>evidence pointing to comfrey's beneficial effects than these 'scientific
>studies' that find comfrey
>and just about anything else will cause you all manner of harm....
Yep they're real experts, i.e. MD's trying to help you avoid taking
comfrey internally. Not so bad, eh? Maybe worth thinking about.
>Even Lawrence Hills, comfrey PR man extraordinaire, cautioned against
>hoovering up too much of the
>stuff at one time due to possible carcinogenic effects of allatoins- but
>surely moderation in all
>things is the best policy- even my chips 'n' beer lifestyle needs to be
>tempered by the odd raw
>food day!!!
For additional longevity use comfrey externally, only. But eat plenty
of raw _food_ for sure; skip the comfrey in the salad.
>Still growin' (and using) comfrey,
For the record:
As owner of this permaculture mailing list I hereby warn all
against ingesting (as solid or liquid food) comfrey as it may
be severely damaging to one's health.
>Graham Burnett
>35 Rayleigh Avenue
>Westcliff On Sea
>Essex, UK
>SS0 7DS
>South East Essex LETS
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Myk Rushton <>
>To: permaculture <>
>Sent: 31 March 2000 02:09
>Subject: Comfrey
>> Greetings
>> I've posted an article which appeared in on 2000 March 2nd
>> titled Scientists: herb known as comfrey can ruin liver, other herbs appear
>> helpful...
>> at the following URL
>> The article is from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
>> Caveat: This is for information I do not endorse its contents.
>> Myk
>> --
>> ---
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Lawrence F. London, Jr. Venaura Farm ICQ#27930345 InterGarden PermaSphere AGINFO
Re: Comfrey,
Lawrence F. London, Jr., 03/22/2000
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Comfrey, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 03/30/2000
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