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pcplantdb - Re: [pcplantdb] synthesis[29][12.04.04]

Subject: pcplantdb

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  • From: Scott Pittman <>
  • To: Permaculture Plant Database <>
  • Subject: Re: [pcplantdb] synthesis[29][12.04.04]
  • Date: Sun, 05 Dec 2004 11:44:25 -0700

Stephanie Gerson wrote:

hi again yalls,

A few responses to synthesis[29] items:

1. 'press release' - Johns says wait and Lawrence says go for it. Chad? Rich? others? I agree that networking would help with grant proposals, so I'm interested in announcing ourselves sooner rather than later. We don't need to solicit participation (yet), just announce the project. We could even be explicit about the fact that we are looking for more funding, and ask for responses of support.

I agree with announcing as long as responses are not an interference with the work Chad is doing. I would very much vote against participation - too many cooks ...etc.

3. feature creep, crop-rotation program, and WSF - yes, this may be feature creep, but it's fun to dream ;)

Lets keep our eye on the prize, for now. Later we can incorporate farm
implements, rotation schemes, ipm, and all the rest. The guild task is way,
way bigger than I think some of us imagines.

Also in response to Johns, maybe WSF needs a lesson in Pc, but we need $ – so how do we tailor what we write to their mission/vision?

-- snip --

They are not saying that large-scale in itself is unsustainable, just that modern large-scale ag is. How can we - Pc and PIW - help render modern large-scale ag sustainable?

IMHO this is an oxymoron and one that we shouldn't get near. I have serious doubts that one can farm more than 40
acres sustainable let alone 4,000. We I was a young sprout in West Texas a 200 acre farm was a big farm, any thing larger than that was grazing land for cattle. The 1200 + farms are driven by the big tractors with dual tired four wheel drive and a 100 plus horse power. You have to have a lot of land just to turn them at the end of the row.
To steward land you have to be able to walk it, smell it, and be involved in it, this can't be done in an air conditioned tractor cab with quad stereo headphones driven by an "operator" who get paid $6 .00 per hour.

This is no different that plugging into the nonsense that Ford Motor Company can somehow be sustainable by using solar energy and pastel colors in the assembly line. This is fostered by those of us who are unwilling to look at the idea of no "personal vehicles" in the eye and not flinch, or get nostalgic.


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