Subject: pcplantdb
List archive
- From: Stephanie Gerson <sgerson@stanfordalumni.org>
- To: <pcplantdb@lists.ibiblio.org>
- Subject: [pcplantdb] :::synthesis:::
- Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 20:41:34 -0700
howdy folks,
So here I go again, in attempt to synthesize and respond what everyone’s
brought up:
1. Lawrence wrote, “If we can avoid having to pay PFAF for use of their
photos that's money than can be used to pay Chad and Rich for ever more
sophisticated and refined programming enhancements for the PCPlantDB.” I
definitely agree that money would be better spent in this way.
2. Lawrence wrote, “BTW I assume the project at hand, one that will
occupy funding efforts and labours of all sorts will be formally called a
Permaculture Plant Database and will include guild information (and did
Stephanie's grant specify that the database would be a guild one or a
plant one or both?).” Yes, exactly. Still unclear about the formal name
(what happened to HG?), but the grant did specify that the database would
emphasize relationships between plants - and therefore would assist with
the process of guild design. I have attached a document with relevant
excerpts from the grant proposal, please read it so you can refresh
yourselves on what we were funded to create. (And note: things might
have changed since it was written – i.e. using TouchGraph.)
3. John S. suggested a spreadsheet for timelines and milestones. And
thanks to John Howe for making specific recommendations in this regard.
I will check them out, and volunteer myself to create a project plan for
us. However, I am going out of town tomorrow until the 19th, and will
not have internet access. So, between now and then, I request that all
of you who wish to be involved in this process write up personal
timelines, a list of tasks to complete (including tasks that you will
need completed by other team members in order for you to complete yours),
and whatever else you think is relevant. Please add a brief summary of
your responsibility/job description as well (thanks John for sending
yours). In other words, this is your first deadline/milestone/whatever-
you-choose-to-call-it! Please have this info to me by the Sunday the
18th, so I can create the project plan and send it out.
4. I’m going to wait until after I make this project plan to send a
message to the Pc lists, so we can have a clearer vision about how the
project will progress. And then I can even add this task to the project
plan, and feel proud of crossing it off when we complete it!
5. Lawrence wrote, “Assuming the DB will he hosted by ibiblio I called
their audio/video guy today. He offered to send me a helpful guide for
preparing photos/audio/video for display in the DB on ibiblio. This will
include such things as how to make an mpeg that will auto-load/disply
when a user clicks on it as opposed to having to download it then play it
with WinMedia or RealPlayer or Quicktime.” Wonderful! And I would Love
to help out with film editing (see, I am somewhat of a techie
6. Rich wrote, “This is one of the reasons why I think actually meeting
physically is important. We could actually do some collective visioning.
I'm thinking that some of the money might be better spent on travel
rather than paying my wages.” I’m always down for traveling. Probably
what I’d be spending wages on anyways… What do others think? Where
would we meet?
And finally, yesyesyesyesssss to everything Chad wrote in his
“relationship of PC knowledge-base and pcplantdb/HG” post. Thank you
Chad, you beautifully articulated exactly what I was thinking. Lawrence,
we are with you, let’s work together! And I just wanted to repeat one
section of what Chad wrote:
“In the HG project we may only be talking about plants at the moment but
with an object centric design adding elements like articles,essays, and
other forms of media will be trivial to add and existing systems of
moderation, comments, search, etc. should work with only a little
tweaking. And because we are tackling the [perceived] deficiencies of
wikis up front, HG should be much more attractive to our contributors/
authors than wikis. I am convinced that HG will eventually be more than
I could ever do by myself with Eden so I am abandoning development of
Eden in favor of HG.”
Well yeeehaw pardners!
Oh and by the way, I just ate my first tomatoes too. They were
absolutely delicious. And they would taste super good in guacamole. So
that’s your other deadline/milestone/whatever – eat some guacamole soon.
Preferably the holy kind.
Rock on, HG.
hasta la proxima vez
p.s. Completely unrelated – but I am having a super difficult time
finding work in the San Francisco bay area. Anyone have any ideas of
employment, ideally at the intersection of systemic education and
ecological agriculture? Better yet, anyone got any good connections?
Stephanie Gerson
(c) 415.871.5683
Description: MS-Word document
[pcplantdb] :::synthesis:::,
Stephanie Gerson, 07/13/2004
- [pcplantdb] Also my job, and documents, John Schinnerer, 07/24/2004
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