Subject: North American Fruit Explorers mailing list at ibiblio
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- Subject: Re: [NAFEX] Drying Persimmons
- Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2010 22:40:22 EST
In a message dated 11/8/2010 10:32:28 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
My friend Lee B. peels, slices, and dries firm Rosseyanka (D.v.XD.k.hybrid).
fruits - before they've softened and lost their astringency. The dried
fruit slices are tasty, with no hint of astringency - and are a lighter
color than those I've dried once the fruits become soft and nonastringent,
by either slicing them in half or just 'squashing' them to the desired
thickness to allow drying
Lee Brumley wrote an article on his experience that was published in the Hoosier Kernel, publication of the Indiana Nut Growers Assoc. I'm now in the process of following his lead and presently have the third batch in the dehydrator. Am drying both Nikitskaya Bordovaya (Nikita's Gift*) and Rosseyanka (Russian Beauty*) I'm slicing while still firm and consequently still astringent. Most slices completely lose their astringency, a few retain a small amount but very eatable. Based on the first two batches, Rosseyanka seems to produce a slightly better tasting dried slice, for some reason slightly sweeter.
Because both fruits have a few seeds this year I'm cutting off the bottom about 1/2 inch thick which exposed the tips of the seed. I then take the knife and pry them out then slice the remainder of the fruit. One might be able to cut off the top then pry the seeds out also. I plan to try that. I have two full quart freezer bags of delicious dried persimmon with more on the way.
This is one tray in the dehydrator.

* Trade Marks of One Green World Nursery
Re: [NAFEX] Drying Persimmons,
kc5gxc, 11/07/2010
Re: [NAFEX] Drying Persimmons,
Hilborn . E, 11/08/2010
- Re: [NAFEX] Drying Persimmons, Dr. Lucky Pittman, 11/08/2010
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
Re: [NAFEX] Drying Persimmons,
kc5gxc, 11/08/2010
- Re: [NAFEX] Drying Persimmons, Dr. Lucky Pittman, 11/09/2010
Re: [NAFEX] Drying Persimmons,
Jwlehman, 11/08/2010
- Re: [NAFEX] Drying Persimmons, Kieran &/or Donna, 11/10/2010
Re: [NAFEX] Drying Persimmons,
Hilborn . E, 11/08/2010
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