Subject: North American Fruit Explorers mailing list at ibiblio
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- From: Anton Callaway <>
- To: North American Fruit Explorers <>
- Subject: Re: [NAFEX] PRI apples
- Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 22:50:24 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
This is just a quick note based on memory. I can look at my records if
something sounds fishy to anyone. I'm in North Carolina now, but I've also
grown apples in Northern Georgia, so these impressions are a composite of
those locations over the last 30+ years.
Liberty, usu. a favorite apple, but mealy this year. no CAR.
Goldrush, excellent this year in flavor and texture, even just off the tree.
in years past, it took some time to mellow in the fridge before it was very
good. Nice sweet/tart balance. susc. to CAR.
PRI44, hasn't fruited yet, but appears to be immune to CAR
Jonafree, good flavor, susc. to CAR
Redfree, good flavor, my favorite early summer apple, resistant to CAR
Enterprise, usu. good flavor, tough skin, can't remember about CAR
PRI41, has't fruited yet, susc. to CAR
Pixie Crunch, not as disease resistant as the others, but excellent quality,
very crisp like Honeycrisp, susc. to CAR
Wms. Pride, inedible, can't remember about CAR
Sir Prize, good quality, can't remember about CAR
I can't remember about some of the others I've grown.
-----Original Message-----
>From: Kieran and/or Donna <>
>Sent: Oct 26, 2010 5:15 PM
>To: North American Fruit Explorers <>
>Subject: Re: [NAFEX] PRI apples
>I saw Williams Pride apples for sale at the Olympia WA farmer's mkt, picked
>from Burnt Ridge Nursery's stock orchard I assume. They were smallish, a
>long Red Delicious shape, red. I bought 2, one that looked a bit underripe
>and the other quite dark. Both were crisp and very boring. I think I'll
>regraft that tree to something else. Seriously, my son and I tasted a lot
>of apples from unknown old homestead trees while we were there, and WP was
>way down my list of what I'd like to have at home to eat. The Liveland
>Raspberry tree I grafted is not as disease resistant as I'd like, but the
>fruit from the parent tree are a lot more to my tastes.
> I have grafted Pristine and some other disease resistant apples, haven't
> tasted them and just hope I will like them. I know I like Liberty. Does
> anyone else have comments on other disease resistant varieties? My son was
> selecting for scab resistance since they'd had such a cool wet year, but as
> I had no info on CAR resistance, I didn't bother bringing anything home.
> Anyway, I doubt I could get takes this time of year. My son said he could
> get takes about anytime in his climate.
> I have the Hardy Cumberland released by the Cumberland Plateau expt
> station, came from the Byron GA breeding program back in the 40's I think.
> It's nice and no CAR. I also have something I grafted from a local tree,
> can't figure out what it is but it has terrible crotch angles, and no CAR.
> It's 20 feet from a YT that gets horrible CAR on it's leaves. Donna
[NAFEX] PRI apples,
Richard MURPHY, 10/24/2010
Re: [NAFEX] PRI apples,
Deb S, 10/24/2010
Re: [NAFEX] PRI apples,
Kieran and/or Donna, 10/26/2010
Re: [NAFEX] PRI apples,
david liezen, 10/26/2010
Re: [NAFEX] PRI apples,
Kieran and/or Donna, 10/26/2010
- Re: [NAFEX] PRI apples, david liezen, 10/26/2010
Re: [NAFEX] PRI apples,
Kieran and/or Donna, 10/26/2010
Re: [NAFEX] PRI apples,
david liezen, 10/26/2010
Re: [NAFEX] PRI apples,
Kieran and/or Donna, 10/26/2010
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
Re: [NAFEX] PRI apples,
Applesrgoodforu, 10/26/2010
- Re: [NAFEX] PRI apples, Richard J. Ossolinski, 10/27/2010
- Re: [NAFEX] PRI apples, Anton Callaway, 10/28/2010
Re: [NAFEX] PRI apples,
Anton Callaway, 10/28/2010
- Re: [NAFEX] PRI apples, Kieran &/or Donna, 10/30/2010
Re: [NAFEX] PRI apples,
Deb S, 10/24/2010
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