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nafex - Re: [NAFEX] Ailing apricots (and nanking cherries)

Subject: North American Fruit Explorers mailing list at ibiblio

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  • From: Ginda Fisher <>
  • To: North American Fruit Explorers <>
  • Subject: Re: [NAFEX] Ailing apricots (and nanking cherries)
  • Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 8:07:10 -0500

My uncle lost all his plums to black knot. He also had brown rot, but that
seemed to be a disease of the fruits, not of the tree. Some of his trees
had substantial resistence to it and others didn't.

As for the black knot: he managed it for years by cutting off and burning
affected limbs in the fall. And it seemed to be a steady state, with the
trees making at least as mch new wood as he lost to black knot. (although
again, some cultivars were much more susceptible than others.) then one
year he had a drought, and the trees struggled to make it through the year.
The following year he was hit with massive black knot problems, and lost
all the plums within another year or two. I'm convinced it as the
and the underlying weakness it caused that made his trees so susceptible.

...... Original Message .......
On Mon, 30 Mar 2009 07:21:28 -0400 ""
<> wrote:
>Karen, The some do some don't is for sure! As to brown rot, up in
>Vermont the older nursery folk used to say that sour cherries did
>not survive long. Originally I assumed they were talking about
>hardiness, but I am now more convinced that disease is the issue,
>particularly brown rot but also black knot (and maybe another
>bacterial canker). I am not really one to give much advice, since I
>am just going down the spraying path myself, but it does look as
>though with care one spray might do the trick. Of course one has to
>watch for resistance, so should not use the same fungicide too often
>without a break, and garden clean up is clearly important. Mulching
>seems to help -- probably because one can see the old fruit drops --
>and some cherries and plums seem to be at least partly resistant.
>European plums for instance have not suffered so far here. But I am
>reluctant to jump to rash conclusions without more study (see the
>Climate Change debate on this mail listing for the opposite method!)
>Brown rot may be one of my problems--seems it would take three timed
>sprays of fungicide at blossoming to control this --I will look into
>it. Reading about this online makes me think it is a plum problem
>for me, not sure about the apricots. I am trying to grow my fruit
>trees as part of an edible landscape and naively assume they will
>just go happily along on their own... some do, some don't.

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