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market-farming - Re: [Market-farming] Digging/spading forks

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  • From: "David Inglis" <mhcsa AT>
  • To: "'Market Farming'" <market-farming AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Market-farming] Digging/spading forks
  • Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 13:19:49 -0500

I had an apprentice run down then over my original 'bulldog' fork a few
years back; this was the fork I started growing food with in the Double Dug
French Intensive style way back when [30 years ago ]. Grrrrr. He had no idea
why I was so attached to it. I no longer take on apprenti.
I have found burning the broken shaft out was the easiest.
Where did you get the replacement handle?
Ps how did your Greenhouse Cuc's work out?

Dave Inglis
Berkshire County,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: market-farming-bounces AT [mailto:market-farming-
> bounces AT] On Behalf Of Allan Balliett
> Sent: Thursday, November 19, 2009 12:04 PM
> To: cs13 AT; Market Farming
> Subject: Re: [Market-farming] Digging/spading forks
> Good advice, Carla. Where's your farm? What's its name? Where do you
> advertise for interns?
> I had a WWOOFER bust the handle off from one of my Smith and Hawken
> forks a couple of months ago. Not a
> lot of fun removing a well seated handle shard from a tool used in
> the soil for many hours, if you have never done it. Lots of time
> lost finding the right handle from a 3rd party mail order (in defence
> of SOC, they have offered to send me original replacement handle(s)
> now) and so on.

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