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market-farming - Re: [Market-farming] Propane Heater

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  • From: David Tannen <david AT>
  • To: Market Farming <market-farming AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Market-farming] Propane Heater
  • Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 08:56:45 -0600

I forgot to mention that electricity is not available to me at these markets. I have thought about an electric heater attached to a converter and a battery. Any experience out there with this type of setup?

David Tannen
Twin Forks Farm
Artisan Breads

Richard Robinson wrote:
I don't know a specific model, but it seems to me you'd be better off with a radiative heat source, like a big electric quartz-type heater. The propane heater will heat the air, which will fly away. A radiator will beam its heat to you. Also, again without being able to recommend any models, I'd think about a heated pad to stand on. Our heads can take quite a bit of cold weather if our feet stay warm.

Richard Robinson


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