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market-farming - Re: Shredded paper for compost??

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market-farming AT

Subject: Market Farming

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  • From: OakCamp2 AT
  • To: market-farming AT
  • Subject: Re: Shredded paper for compost??
  • Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 23:24:31 EDT

In a message dated 5/18/2002 9:27:53 PM Central Standard Time, ranchmaster AT writes:

I do have a true composter.  But if I use it for mulch won't the Oklahoma winds just blow it away? 

Perhaps, I haven't had the pleasure of experiencing OK winds ;-)    Have you ever applied any mulch material around your plants?  Marsh hay or straw?  Did those blow away?  I usually apply mulch just before a rain- it helps to settle it right down around the plant and when it dries just the top-most part of the mulch will crust over leaving the mulch impervious to succeeding winds and leaving the under parts nice and moist.  Use a good 4 to 6" of mulch- it helps to hold it down as all that tangled paper won't let go of each other.  Maybe try a small section to see what happens before using all the mulch and then losing it to the wind.  Auntie Emmmmm!

Oak Camp Herb Farm

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