market-farming AT
Subject: Market Farming
List archive
- From: Miranda Smith <MirandaS AT>
- To: 'market farming' <market-farming AT>
- Subject: RE: CSA Planting Guides
- Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 09:15:57 -0500
Hi. I'm a lurker on this list. I've run a couple of CSA farms (and have
years of teaching behind me) but am now working as an editor. However, I am
also going to be teaching a class at Ramapo College this summer for which I
will be posting material to the web. One of the items I will be posting is
the method for developing a starting schedule as well as a sample starting
schedule for a 75 member CSA. I will let people know when this material is
Miranda Smith
> ----------
> From: Lawrence F. London, Jr.
> Reply To: market farming
> Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2000 6:48 PM
> To: market farming
> Subject: Re: CSA Planting Guides
> On Sat, 18 Mar 2000 12:33:20 -0400, Allan Balliett <igg AT>
> wrote:
> >After wearing myself ragged making initial plantings for the CSA the
> >last several weeks, I've once again started asking myself if there is
> >a good 'guide' to 'how much to plant each week for x # of shares.'
> >This has to have been discussed on this list earlier, but I can't
> >find it in 'my' archives, except as an approved topic.
> >
> >Can anyone point me to a good source for this information? (WEB info
> >is what I'm really hoping for!!)
> Allan, there is a CSA mailing list at MetaLab's Lyris server, 102
> subscribers. You can subscribe (and search/browse the archives) here:
> Complete information about the list, usage, sub info , etc. is in the
> CSA list faq at:
> Lawrence F. London, Jr. Venaura Farm
> InterGarden
> InterGarden
> PermaSphere
> lflondon AT london AT
> ---
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CSA Planting Guides,
Allan Balliett, 03/18/2000
- <Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: CSA Planting Guides, Cheri Shelnutt, 03/18/2000
- Re: CSA Planting Guides, Allan Balliett, 03/18/2000
- Re: CSA Planting Guides, five springs farm, 03/19/2000
- Re: CSA Planting Guides, Sandra Beerman, 03/19/2000
- Re: CSA Planting Guides, David I., 03/19/2000
- RE: CSA Planting Guides, Miranda Smith, 03/20/2000
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