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market-farming - Re: check out OTA's response to 20/20

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Subject: Market Farming

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  • From: "Elizabeth Pike" <pike AT>
  • To: "market farming" <market-farming AT>
  • Subject: Re: check out OTA's response to 20/20
  • Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 06:31:35 -0500

>From the OTA website: >Moreover, Dr. Michael Doyle of the University
of Georgia, the researcher who conducted the tests cited by 20/20, has
said the produce was tested for a "generic" E. coli screen, and as
such, "does not differentiate between pathogenic and non-pathogenic E.

E. coli is a very complicated subject and cannot be explained within a
simple sound bite. E. coli lives in the intestines of most animals,
including humans, and helps digest food. Only specific types of E.
coli are pathogens, defined as microorganisms capable of causing
disease or injury.<

Did anyone hear the spokesperson reiterate this?? Why are they doing
a sales job on their website to people who already know the truth
about organics??? Too little, too late, and to the wrong audience.

Indeed, this info is too late for the public who rely on tv for
"accurate" news.

Morningstar Gardens
Pollocksville NC

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