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market-farming - My e-mail to 20/20

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Subject: Market Farming

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  • From: "Hook Family" <guldann AT>
  • To: "market farming" <market-farming AT>
  • Subject: My e-mail to 20/20
  • Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 23:19:28 -0800

This is what I wrote to 20/20
Your piece on organic food gets an F. It was very poorly researched and very
one sided. You may want to dig a bit into the back ground of D. Avery and
see who he actually works for.
You may want to test the soil, air and water in the farm belt. You may want
to learn the diffence between compost and manure! You may have said that
even conventional farmers use manure compost. You may want to read a set of
organic growing regulations. You might want to visit an organic farm.
An the bit about organic faming wasting land that was laughable. Weeds can
be hand or machine weeded you don't have to just sray them, or plow up an
additonal field to compensate. Plus lets measure acres of most organic farm
vs conventional farms. Then calculate the pounds of vegetables produced per
acre. Next time do some research. Beth

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