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livingontheland - Re: [Livingontheland] Victory Gardens?

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Subject: Healthy soil and sustainable growing

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  • From: "Tradingpost" <>
  • To:
  • Subject: Re: [Livingontheland] Victory Gardens?
  • Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 21:50:44 -0600

Well said: "There is a war on health going on because there is money in
health problems". Exactly. Big Pharma, Big Ag, & Madison Ave will do
anything, literally, to make money, and our health is nowhere on their radar

I was telling the doc I won't take a statin; I see no numbers indicating a
problem. So he says, OK, how about niacin? Then writes me a script for
something called Niaspan. Jeez. I looked at
& & - but of course the doc said
nothing about diet & exercise - or possible liver damage - he isn't paid to
keep me healthy; he's paid to push drugs.


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On 5/26/2011 at 12:36 AM John D'hondt wrote:

>You are right when you pick out these two details EJ. It is human
>agriculture and actions that have been destroying topsoil and mineral
>content and I also can not see this having much to do with lack of an ice
>age. And when people try to sell something one should always beware but
>this goes for everything. And I did not see anything being sold in the
> For good health you do not need vegetable oil, vaccinations or statins.
>Much of the accepted modern "wisdom" is fast becoming untenable. For
>instance, we have been made to believe that high salt intake is unhealthy.
>Recent studies have found a direct inverse relationship between salt
>consumption and hearth attacks.
>There is a war on health going on because there is money in health
>problems. And a major part of the solution is to eat better food.
> 1. From the website:
> We are now at the tail end of the inter-glacial period of our planet.
>Meaning? The planet no longer has 80% of the useable minerals in our
> Makes no sense
> 2. They are selling TM items, they are happy to list prices but no other
>details about products.
> Buyer beware, as usual....
> On 24/05/11 9:21 PM, Tradingpost wrote:
>how accurate is this?
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