Subject: Healthy soil and sustainable growing
List archive
- From: "Michele May" <>
- To: <>
- Subject: [Livingontheland] the making of a disaster
- Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 10:23:12 -0500
Ozone Layer 'Sacrificed'...
In reading the article it appears much responsibility is directed at the
"farmers," what is the direct link here? Are farmers responsible
because they knowingly or worse yet, unknowingly, as in refuse to
acknowledge, the detrimental effects of these chemicals;...are the
"farmers" mentioned in the article actually referencing corporate
agribusiness farmers, maybe?
I wonder what can be done to clarify this in the eyes of everyday
people? It seems farmers in general are losing ground in the eyes of
the public, all of whom of course need to know what farms these
strawberries and tomatoes in Florida and California uses the poison in
order to refuse to buy from them. If our government won't ban its use,
can't we act to preserve our ozone as citizens?
I still think the chemical companies providing this pesticide ought to
be held accountable for the damage of the product they produce. They
wanted "personhood" to access the rule of law, our constitution, and yet
they are also given anonymity and immunity from the same laws that
impact everyday people.
Does anyone have information on tracking what "farms" are using these
chemicals or are lobbying against the Ozone protections?
[Livingontheland] Marketing GM: the making of poverty,
Tradingpost, 12/01/2003
[Livingontheland] the making of a disaster,
Michele May, 12/01/2003
Re: [Livingontheland] the making of a disaster,
Tradingpost, 12/01/2003
RE: [Livingontheland] the making of a disaster,
Michele May, 12/03/2003
[Livingontheland] working against disaster,
Michele May, 12/03/2003
- Re: [Livingontheland] working against disaster, Tradingpost, 12/03/2003
- RE: [Livingontheland] the making of a disaster, Tradingpost, 12/03/2003
[Livingontheland] working against disaster,
Michele May, 12/03/2003
RE: [Livingontheland] the making of a disaster,
Michele May, 12/03/2003
Re: [Livingontheland] the making of a disaster,
Tradingpost, 12/01/2003
[Livingontheland] the making of a disaster,
Michele May, 12/01/2003
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