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internetworkers - RE: personal web sites take 2

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  • From: Marybeth Lackey <mlackey AT>
  • To: 'InterNetWorkers' <internetworkers AT>
  • Subject: RE: personal web sites take 2
  • Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 16:06:33 -0400

I guess my take on it is as humor, not as something serious to be offended
by. I have friends who make comments about boys, like her, or have lived
through a sucky date, like her. I enjoy her web site because it's like
catching up with a friend, one who you don't see too often, but is always
good for a funny story, that at the end, you think, "glad it wasn't me!"

If this site is in fact written by several people, and the character is
fictitious, then that makes a lot of sense.

As I said, it's not CNN. I think it's interesting that it wouldn't offend
you if it was a gay man or a parody, because, in a way, I think it is. I
doubt this woman/women really sit around all day wondering about their
latest love and whether their toenails match their new purse or not. But who
wants to read about a woman sitting at work, working? This is supposed to be
entertainment! I'm a "bad" person - I've never bought anything from the
stores that I'm sure are their sponsors. But I enjoy looking and thinking,
"$300 for a purse? I think not!"

Perhaps I'm too young to take offense to this kind of site. I do understand
why you object to it. I just took offense to people bashing it.

I certainly wouldn't want young girls looking at it, in fear that they might
take something too seriously. But honestly, in this world of Britney and
CosmoGirl (I think I even saw VogueGirl the other day!), it probably
wouldn't be anything they weren't getting from somewhere else.
Mary Beth Lackey
Internet Manager
Greater Raleigh Convention and Visitors Bureau

> ----------
> From: K. Jo Garner
> Reply To: InterNetWorkers
> Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2001 3:31 PM
> To: InterNetWorkers
> Subject: [internetworkers] RE: personal web sites take 2
> On Thu, 3 May 2001, Marybeth Lackey wrote:
> ->It angers me as much to see people put down those who choose to be
> fashion
> ->lovers as it does to see fashion lovers laugh at a "geek." This chick
> ->chooses to write about fashion, makeup, shoes, and her dates. And yes,
> she's
> ->probably skinny and I hate her for that, but it's still entertaining to
> read
> ->about her everyday dramas, because we all have 'em.
> Hi Mary Beth,
> It's not fashion lovers I rail at, it's the inanity of the writing and
> concepts ("pregos"? formulas for when you should call a guy back after a
> date?) that irk me greatly. This "chick" is probably not a chick, but a
> team of writers paid by sponsorship/VC money. And seriously, is your skin
> firm? Because if it's not, "he he me" won't be interested.
> I dig looking at fashion magazines. I just don't live and die by the sword
> of the eyeliner.
> I am fortunate enough to not have the daily drama of what to wear (does it
> smell?), what kind of lipstick will match my toenail polish (uh, does
> Burt's Bees count?), what Hermes scarf do I need to go with the Gucci
> boots (rather, which pair of Birks to wear), etc. etc.
> I could speak on feminism and taking a great leap backwards, but perhaps I
> will save that for another day.
> Now, if this were a gay man writing the site, I might find it funny as a
> parody of straight single women cum queeny gay man.
> At least this tripe is being read by women who are older, and not warping
> adolescent girls' minds. Er, I hope.
> Cheers
> Kelly Jo
> ---
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