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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Five Days and Counting

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  • From: "Lynn Wigglesworth" <lynnw1366 AT>
  • To: <homestead AT>
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Five Days and Counting
  • Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 07:54:19 -0400

I've been trying to get hay cut, but haven't had a stretch of 3-4 days without rain. That's pretty normal for here in late spring. We've also FINALLY gotten our night temperatures out of the 40's. Our last frost was just last week. Most of the things I have planted are just sitting, shivering...corn, beans, tomatoes, growth for the 2-3 weeks they've been planted. Only the cool season crops are happy. I hope with the warmer weather (50's at night/70's during the day) things will start to grow. We had our 90 degree days in April, when it was too early to plant much out. I sure hope we get nice weather on the other end of our growing season, or we won't have enough time to ripen long-season crops.

Lynn Wigglesworth
Tioga Co. PA
----- Original Message ----- From: "Lynda" <lurine AT>
To: <homestead AT>
Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 10:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Homestead] Five Days and Counting

Well, we've had a couple of days with no rain. The strawberries stopped
practicing the backstroke. Of course, that could be because I picked a
whole bucket of them and they are now in the freezer <g> I swear I saw the
pepper plants hanging some of their roots out to dry. So what does the
nasty ol' weatherman have to say tonight? Expect more lightning and thunder
with rain.

And, no, in theory we aren't in an area that is supposed to be getting this.
The problem is that no one seems to have told the weather that. <g>

Members of Congress should be compelled to wear uniforms like NASCAR drivers
so we can identify their corporate sponsors.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Leslie" <cayadopi AT>

I didn't think you were as far north as that was expected to happen - from
the increase in torrential rains - associated with a normal shift from
global warming phase to a cooling phase.

I think the meterologist that I listen to on the macro cycles indicated that
torrential shift in the NW would be from about Seattle northwards on the
west coast, and most of the entire eastern US with associated flooding. Not
sure if that was just for this year or a bigger pattern change, can't
remember. Pretty sure I posted some a recap several months ago.

Hope the veggies come thru ok.

I had a flood in part of one of my gardens when an irrigation nozzle
busted.... the soy beans looked pretty sad, and when the soil dries more, I
will rinse all the dirt off the leaves from all the mud splattering.

Hey ! I actually have harvested a few absolutely perfectly shaped medium
size potatoes.... and I mean perfectly shaped ovals. not a signle dent. I'm

I had a few grubs, but haven't found any more. Here and there some of the
potato plants are starting to wilt and look pretty crummy. I pulled one up,
searched dillegentlyl thru the soil - no bugs. Sliced open the stems - no
borers. Examined every leaf - no holes, no bugs. Examined each stem and
branch, no holes no signs of any kind of damage.... So I'm perplexed. And
there were about 8 new potatoes on the plant on the small side. This was a
small potato plant that never developed well.

Although this a/m I see on the internet that when the plant starts to die
off, wait 3-4 weeks and the new potatoes grow big at this time.... is this

Is all my panic over some dyding plants all for naught?


--- On Wed, 6/3/09, Lynda <lurine AT> wrote:

From: Lynda <lurine AT>
Subject: [Homestead] Five Days and Counting
To: homestead AT
Date: Wednesday, June 3, 2009, 8:16 PM

Well, this is the 5th straight day we've had lightning, thunder AND periods
of torrential rain (7-14" hour). I mean, I know lightning and thunder is
the norm for this time of the year. What isn't the norm is to have it
happen every single day, day after day AND to have torrential rains. I
mean, we don't get rain after April. It simply doesn't happen. We've
gotten more rain in 5 days then we got all winter!

The peas don't seem to mind. Believe it or not, the tomatoes don't seem to
mind. The peppers, well, the jury is still out. Beets love it. The
strawberries are loving it. The lettuce looks a tad bedraggled. Can we say
mooshed <g> The melons, pumpkins and cucumbers are doing o.k.

I don't think the orchard is liking it. I think the rains have been hard
enough to knock a lot of the young fruit off the trees. The black cap
raspberries were already making berries, so knocking the last of the petals
off won't bother them. The red raspberries haven't bloomed yet, so they are
fine. I need to check on the grapes.

The weatherman was just on and predicting high winds. What damage the rain
didn't do to the orchards the wind will finish!

I did get all my irises marked as to color for splitting before the rains
knocked every single flower off them.

Oh, did I mention this is supposed to continue for another 5-10 days? This
is one bizarre year!

Members of Congress should be compelled to wear uniforms like NASCAR drivers
so we can identify their corporate sponsors.

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