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homestead - Re: [Homestead] Butchering Chicken

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  • From: EarthNSky <erthnsky AT>
  • To: homestead AT
  • Subject: Re: [Homestead] Butchering Chicken
  • Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2008 14:17:48 -0500

I can't seem to grow enough chicken to eat...we eat a lot of chicken
though. If I allow 2 meals per chicken and we eat chicken 3 times a
week, then that is 6 chickens a month or 72 chickens a year....I can
usually only get 40 or so, for whatever reason...predators usually.
Of the 8 birds in the chicken tractor, I believe that only one of them
is a rooster...he's got that obvious RIR rooster quality about him. The
other 7 appear to be hens, judging from their combs and their build. If
I wanted eggs, I'd have all roosters, but that's the way it
Of course, I *could* eat the hens, but that just seems backwards to me..
I sure wish I lived closer, Karen..I'd buy them from you in a flash.
Do hardboiled eggs freeze that well, or is it only suitable for pigs?


Karen L. Black wrote:
I wrote:

I do 10-20 at a time, by myself..

Gene replied:

Ever get tired of eating chicken?

Not so much eating as cooking. Happily, I have "365 Ways to Cook
Chicken" (
roduct_details?ie=UTF8&me=&qid=1229364008&sr=1-1&seller=), which I
find a great help.

In a good market, I'll sell all of them. If not, I can trade with
other vendors. If worse comes to worse, it goes in the freezer and
sells at the winter market -- or we eat it.

Eggs can be overwhelming, but now I either feed them to the pigs, or hardboil and freeze and feed to the pigs in the future. Pigs love
eggs, and so they learn to come running when they see me and my

Karen Black Norton Creek Farm Blodgett, OR _______________________________________________ Homestead list and
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