freetds AT
Subject: FreeTDS Development Group
List archive
- From: Sebastien FLAESCH <sf AT>
- To: freetds AT
- Subject: [freetds] SQL Server 2005 / 2008 support
- Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 09:57:52 +0100
Dear all,
I am new to this mailing list and want to introduce myself and our product /
My name is Sebastien FLAESCH and I am in charge of the database interfaces at
Four J's Development Tools.
Our product is a Informix 4gl compatible compiler / runtime system.
I wrote all database interfaces to:
- Oracle (OCI),
- DB2 UDB (CLI),
- SQL Server (ODBC and Native Client),
- PostgreSQL (libpq),
- MySQL (libmysqlclient),
- Sybase ASA (dblib*),
- ANTs (ODBC).
We have a large customer base using Informix and some of them want to migrate
to SQL Server, but keeping the apps on Unix.
We already had a look at DataDirect drivers - working quite well by the way -
but license is too expensive for our customers.
Now we started to look at FreeTDS...
Understand we do not just write a light driver to let 4gl programmers do a
few SELECT / INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE statements;
We talk about a supporting a complex OLTP application programming language
(Informix 4gl).
We need a full support of ODBC (or any other API that gives us the chance to do what we want), with advanced features such as array-fetch, stored-procedure support (in/out params), blobs, etc.
To be honest I am a bit scared about the status of the FreeTDS project:
- Version is still alpha/beta (0.64) - when you compile FreeTDS you get a
debug version by default.
- No scrollable cursors??? (this is very old stuff - now?)
- There is no official support for SQL Server 2005 / 2008 (only TDS 8.0)
PLEASE: What are the plans?
You guys probably know about SQL Server's Native Client that ships with SQL
Server 9 (2005).
This one is supposed to replace the old ODBC driver one day, from my
Are they still using TDS with this Native Client? => Is TDS going to die?
Sorry to be direct but we need to be sure because if we suggest FreeTDS to
our customers, it's for a while.
Sebastien FLAESCH
[freetds] SQL Server 2005 / 2008 support,
Sebastien FLAESCH, 12/13/2007
Re: [freetds] SQL Server 2005 / 2008 support,
ZIGLIO, Frediano, VF-IT, 12/13/2007
- [freetds] ODBC scrollable cursors in 0.65, Sebastien FLAESCH, 12/17/2007
Re: [freetds] SQL Server 2005 / 2008 support,
James K. Lowden, 12/13/2007
Re: [freetds] SQL Server 2005 / 2008 support,
Sebastien FLAESCH, 12/13/2007
Re: [freetds] SQL Server 2005 / 2008 support,
Sebastien FLAESCH, 12/13/2007
Re: [freetds] SQL Server 2005 / 2008 support,
Sebastien FLAESCH, 12/13/2007
- Re: [freetds] SQL Server 2005 / 2008 support, Frediano Ziglio, 12/13/2007
Re: [freetds] SQL Server 2005 / 2008 support,
Sebastien FLAESCH, 12/13/2007
- Re: [freetds] SQL Server 2005 / 2008 support, James K. Lowden, 12/13/2007
Re: [freetds] SQL Server 2005 / 2008 support,
Sebastien FLAESCH, 12/13/2007
Re: [freetds] SQL Server 2005 / 2008 support,
Reid, Roger L., 12/13/2007
- Re: [freetds] SQL Server 2005 / 2008 support, James K. Lowden, 12/13/2007
Re: [freetds] SQL Server 2005 / 2008 support,
Sebastien FLAESCH, 12/13/2007
Re: [freetds] SQL Server 2005 / 2008 support,
ZIGLIO, Frediano, VF-IT, 12/13/2007
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