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freetds - solution: compiling cvs on Mac OS X 10.2

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  • From: "Mark J. Lilback" <mark AT>
  • To: freetds mailing list <freetds AT>
  • Subject: solution: compiling cvs on Mac OS X 10.2
  • Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 18:33:09 -0400

Ok. Here's the final process that allows compiling out of cvs. I've tested it on a clean install (after mucking around with many solutions on my system) and it should work for anyone on 10.2.

The only change to cvs it requires is that check for libtoolize instead of libtool, which is what it should do, since libtoolize is what is called. I've committed that change to cvs.

The steps seem kinda stupid in some places, but that's 'cause most users don't have a /usr/local/bin and it isn't in the path by default. I also avoided giving shell commands because the default shell is tcsh and I refuse to deal with anything other than bash.

1) If you don't have /usr/local/bin, create it.

2) Run the command "ln -s /usr/bin/glibtoolize /usr/local/bin/libtoolize"

3) Add /usr/local/bin to your path if not there.

4) Download and install autoconf-2.54, making sure it is in your path. I installed it in /usr/local/autoconf-2.54 and added /usr/local/autoconf-2.54/bin to my path just for getting freetds to work, but I'm paranoid about updating Apple-supplied software.

5) Apply the patch <> to /usr/share/libtool/ This modifies the installed libtool with a libtool patch that is in CVS but has not made it into a public release.

6) follow the normal instructions for compiling freetds from cvs.

After this, they compile and the unit tests work up to dblib0013, which hung for 10 minutes or so until I canceled it.

There were a couple of other issues I want to clean up at some point (like the fact that iODBC is installed on the system by default, so there is no need to specify a directory), but it works with the above steps.

"They that can give up essential liberty
Mark J. Lilback to obtain a little temporary safety
<mark AT> deserve neither liberty or safety." -- Benjamin Franklin

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